The Frsky Taranis is a great transmitter, but it can be a tough to program when you're learning:

So after many hours of making a very custom 7 channel config for my Multiplex Cularis FPV Glider, with differential flaps, crow flaps, aileron washout for tip stall avoidance, and switches to control my FPV camera and talk to APM::Plane, the autopilot running on my pixhawk, I've published my setup with explanations so that others can use it.

Again, here's a link if yould like to read about my Multiplex Cularis FPV Glider Build.
You will need sounds to install on your Taranis in SOUNDS/ subdirectory on the sdcard:
sounds (it's a complete collection, more than the ones I use, but you should find them useful)
Here is my EEPE config file for companion to load the config into OpenTX:
Cularis EEPE
Last, but not least, you will want to read this document that explains how it all works:
You can also download (a maybe slightly out of date) PDF:
Cularis_Taranis Setup PDF