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2010/02/15 Found some De Ruijter Muisjes in a Local Store
π 2010-02-15 01:01 in Public
Found this in a local chinese store. Cool :)

2010/02/13 Rig3 Update One Page Per Post
π 2010-02-13 01:01 in Public
As a few already know, I use Rig3 for my blog, written by a friend and coworker of mine, Ralf. Rig3 is meant to be lightweight, work offline on your laptop and be secure by not requiring any crap like PHP. More can be found on the Rig3 site.

Anyway ralf got tired of my begging :) and nicely implemented the one page per post feature for permalinks.

Having each post on its on page allows for a certain amount of nice things:

  • give a link to just the one post. For big posts like our honeymoon in hawaii, they are big enough that it's a good idea to load just that post and not a monthly page with other potentially big posts.
  • allow loading and showing a private post in itself without sharing the rest of the posts on the same page or the entire blog.
  • allow adding comments for each post (comments on facebook for instance are lost to everyone else not using facebook). This feature isn't there yet, but I hope to add it soon.
  • allow for sharing the URL to the single post to another site, like facebook or twitter (and facebook is stupid, it'll grab any picture it finds on the post, which didn't work when I had a page with more than one post: it could take a picture from a totally unrelated post).
  • allow quicker loading of individual posts by RSS readers (the simple way to read a bunch of people's blogs)
  • I just fixed a little bug where my atom RSS feed didn't have the right links, and now everything should be good after I publish this post.

    Thanks Ralf!

    2010/02/10 Some Spammers are not very bright
    π 2010-02-10 01:01 in Public
    From: Oscar Rosero <>
    Subject: Re: Information Request

    > On Tue, Feb 09, 2010 at 09:15:41AM -0500, Oscar Rosero wrote: > > Hello. > > > > I'm trying to optimize my email marketing campaing and to do that I'm > > testing my email by using Spamassassin. > > > > However the following risk appears and I don't know what is it about, > > neither how to correct it or remove it. Here is the Risk or Rule > > description: > > > > SARE_HTML_URI_2SLASH URI: URI has additional double slash within it > > > > > > > > I'm not an expert on this issues. Please help me solve it. > > You are kidding, right?

    Hello Marc.

    Thank you for contact me back.

    The true is I'm not kidding. I just tried to solve the issue by myself but I did not found any information about the "SARE_HTML_URI_2SLASH URI: URI has additional double slash within it". Then, by checking the Spamassassin, I found your e-mail and I decided to contact you.

    Please apologize me if I bothered you in some way, it was not my intention. Maybe I did not use the propper words in my past message.

    If, in some way, you can guide me o tell me where can I find some information to solve the issue I would be very grateful.

    Best wishes,


    I need to fill in by saying that I used to be a spamassassin contributor, and am the SA-Exim author, so maybe he found me that way (he didn't say).

    So, I decided to have a little fun with him:

    > > If, in some way, you can guide me o tell me where can I find some
    > > information to solve the issue I would be very grateful.
    > No, I was surprised because I thought you knew that by using spamassassin
    > to
    > test your marketing message, you triggered a booby trap inside that
    > cataloged your name, your IPs, and what you were trying to market so that
    > any mass message from you sent to other people from now on will get you
    > blacklisted throughout the internet, kicked out of your ISP, and any
    > domain/company you have listed in there will get attacked by botnets if it
    > ever gets sent from now on.
    > Well, I guess you should have done your research first, now all I can
    > recommend is that you never send what you were trying to send in the first
    > place (even modifying it won't help since not only your message, but also
    > your name, IP, ISP, and Email, and domains were harvested and put on the
    > watchlist).
    > Marc

    Thank you Merlin for the valuable information and suggestions, I'll certainly take it into account.

    I hope to find the way to remove the detected risk on my following messages, despite of the facto I have not even a remote idea about what URI_2SLASH is.

    Best wishes,


    2010/02/09 Sarah Palin is Still an Idiot and Why Comedy Central Rules
    π 2010-02-09 01:01 in Public
    Seen on comedy cental, good job to the person who noticed that.

    Sarah Palin is still learning what she's supposed to talk about. She just reached middle school level and learned to write on her hand. Good job!

    I also love how she didn't even get it right the first time and had to cross out a word.

    (So, just to clear possible confusion: the pictures I real. I took them from the TV broadcast. She really did write this on her hand and looked at it in the interview later to answer question).

    But it gets better. During an after speech interview, she was asked a question and actually checked her hand for the answer:

    At least right now, she is worth the free entertainment value, but I really hope that we don't ever have enough idiots in this country to vote her in anything worthwhile.

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