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2024/05/02 Athen's Panatheanic Stadium
π 2024-05-02 01:01 in Greece2024, Monuments, Museums
The Panatheanic Stadium was rebuilt for the 2004 greece olympics, and it does look quite good. Much better than the original site at Olympia which wasn't very stadium-like by our current standards :)

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2024/05/02 Athen's Acropolis Museum
π 2024-05-02 01:01 in Greece2024, Monuments, Museums
Day #2 in Athens was to go through museums, and of course Acropolis Museum was a major one to see. It was very well built and layed out, and looked well done. It was nowhere close in size, but it was Louvre quality.

storing black powder and ammunition there during the war
storing black powder and ammunition there during the war

turned out to be a big mistake and responsible for most of the damage seen today
turned out to be a big mistake and responsible for most of the damage seen today

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2024/05/02 Athen's Archeological Museum
π 2024-05-02 01:01 in Greece2024, Museums
The 2nd of the 2 major museums in Athens is indeed the Archeological Museum. It's a bit outside the main town area and unfortunately due to orthodox easter that week, it was only half open, which was pretty disappointing (it was not a national holiday, just not enough staff showed up for work to staff all the rooms, sigh...)

We was available of the collection, though, was first rate:

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