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2017/09/15 NYC 9/11 Museum
π 2017-09-15 01:01 in Museums
Since I was stuck in NYC for a few hours between 2 flights, I went to check out the 9/11 museum that had opened since last time I went. I got in at 08:45 sharp, right when it opened, and I was there until 13:40, almost 5 hours. While it's not actually a huge museum, going through it properly takes a fair amount of time, especially if you watch all the different movies (which I more or less did).
The core of the museum is actually a full "no pictures" zone, which I found beyond annoying, but oh well.

While it's a throughtful and pretty thorough museum, it was a bit disappointing to me that they made no attempt to even touch the multiple controversies around 9/11 (not whether it happened, but for instance how did WTC7 collapse many hours later, apparently on its own, or how was a totally intact hijacker passport found on a pile of rubble, and stuff like that).
As a result of them not touching it, some conspiracy theorists still meet next to the museum and have displays of their theories, some are obviously quite outlandish, while others are reasonable questions or points (at best there were some very questionsable cover ups after the terrorist attacks:

See more images for NYC 9/11 Museum

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