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2021/08/26 Mme Tussauds London
π 2021-08-26 01:01 in England2021, Museums
During my last visit to London, I did got to see Mme Tussauds, both because the line looked long, and because I wasn't as excited about seeing more wax figures of UK figures I didn't really know, but turns out that it's actually the best such wax museum I've seen in the world, well worth the visit.

I didn't care for this picture, but obviously others did
I didn't care for this picture, but obviously others did

There were cool sections on movies like Alien:

There was another interesting section on Mme Tussauds herself, how she started her career during the french revolution and did actually make copies of famous heads that were decapitated:

The next part was a very interesting ride showing you even more things, I didn't expect that:

And it wasn't over yet, it seems that they've added extensions over time. The last one was on marvel characters:

And also star wars:

All in all, totally exceeded expectations, definitely enjoyed it, especially when it wasn't too busy.

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2021/08/24 British Library
π 2021-08-24 01:01 in England2021, Museums
My last time in London I went to the British Library during extended hours, but the important room was closed by then, so I had to go back and see the collection, which was quite good. Very nice free collection, glad I was able to see it this time:

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2021/08/24 London Transport Museum
π 2021-08-24 01:01 in England2021, Museums
Last time I was in London, I went to see most of the bigger museums, but just like Paris, London is full of museums. That day, I had just enough time to go see the London Transport museum before it closed at 17:00. Well, except that they had timed entry and told me I'd have to wait 30mn before being allowed in, and left with just 1H to visit for a visit that they said takes about 2H. Sigh...

After getting my ticket, I looked around the store, and when the exit door happened to get opened, I entered throught the exit so that I'd have enough time to see everything. Kind of sad, but you do what you gotta do.

The museum itself was quite good actually, including showing how the underground was built early on, and used during the war as a bomb shelter:

During the war, the underground tunnels were closed to prevent cross flooding in case of bomb damage:

I feel thankful enough to have been in London in 1995, back when you could hop on a bus while it was running, but it as long ago as this picture:

See more images for London Transport Museum

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