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2019/01/28 Christchurch's Antarctic Center
π 2019-01-28 01:01 in Museums, Ntrips, Trips
Across the street from RNZAF's and USAF's Antarctic launch bases in Christchurch is the Antarctic Center. I did'nt have super high hopes for it, but it was better than I thought and worth a good 3-4H in the end.

NZ is indeed not that far from the antarctic:

You could get a ride in Hagglung, the all terrain carriers they use there. They can handle quite rough terrain

Of course, they had penguins:

Another room was the cold/wind chill room:


Other misc stuff, including movies:

two kinds of planes to get there, 5 to 8H trip due to the lack of real jet runway on the ice
two kinds of planes to get there, 5 to 8H trip due to the lack of real jet runway on the ice

See more images for Christchurch's Antarctic Center
2019/01/22 Christchurch's Canterbury Museum
π 2019-01-22 01:01 in Museums, Ntrips, Trips
Christchurch's Canterbury Museum has a very good central museum with multiple sections all worth seeing.

The section on Mauri started with their early lives:

sadly they hunted the Moa to extinction
sadly they hunted the Moa to extinction

They had a very nice section on their sacred stone, the Kura Pounamu:

One corner had a nice section on a house filled with pretty shells:

Another section showed the old streets:

The 2nd floor talked about the antarctic expeditions that have been launched from NZ's Christchurch:

Other random sections:

the Kakapo, the world's biggest parrot, is quite cute
the Kakapo, the world's biggest parrot, is quite cute

All it all, it was worth a good 4H, and was well worth a good donation (entrance is free)

See more images for Christchurch's Canterbury Museum

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