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2024/02/28 Chapultepec Castle in Mexico City
π 2024-02-28 01:01 in Mexico, Monuments, Museums
Chapultepec Castle is an interesting historical castle built in Mexico City, originally by the Spanish, and then it was taken by the French which brought a lot of cool things to it, including even some exquisite stained glass made in Paris.
It's pretty far out of the way, a 1h uber ride from town center with rush hour traffic and then It's a bit of a long walk through a park and then uphill from the street (plan an extra 20mn), and google says it can be very busy with long lines, but it was fine the morning I went (early morning is best)

Nice views from the hill:

Had to go through 2 lawyers of security that do not even allow water in. That was non ideal... Eventually got there though, and we paid a private guide who gave us a 1h tour:

the stained glass, shipped all the way from Paris by boat and re-assembled, looked wonderful
the stained glass, shipped all the way from Paris by boat and re-assembled, looked wonderful

I looked up the address in Paris, of course that was over 100 years ago ;)
I looked up the address in Paris, of course that was over 100 years ago ;)

After the castle, it was another walk through the park to another exit and got to see many vendors, to go to the excellent archeological museum across the street (but still a long walk):

nice insomniac looking owl ;)
nice insomniac looking owl ;)

See more images for Chapultepec Castle in Mexico City
2024/02/28 Mexico City's National Antropological Museum
π 2024-02-28 01:01 in Mexico, Museums
The last thing I had time for, was the National Antropological Museum, pretty close to Chapultepec Castle, and it was a very impressive and pretty complete museum on the history of the land and civilizations, going back thousands of years. Unfortunately I didn't navigate in the correct order, so the history was somewhat backwards, but nonetheless the place was super interesting.

2024/02/23 Mexico City's Templo Mayor Museum
π 2024-02-23 01:01 in Mexico, Museums
Mexico has a rich history from the Mayans and other first nations, and they built really impressive temples for the times. Unfortunately there is very little left of the really cool one in Mexico City, but the ruins and museum in its place were still quite interesting to visit.
This is what it used to look like:

Here is what is left:

The museum was very good:

See more images for Mexico City's Templo Mayor Museum

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