2012-05-27 01:01
in Flying, Nflying
Castle AFB had a open cockpit day, which happens only once a year, so it's a special occasion. For the morning flight, we had to leave IFR but the weather was great in central california.
We arrived at Castle Air Museum soon after 09:00 and got a reservation for the B52 tour, which were hard to get:
Tat's a busy cockpit in the B52
After the museum, on takeoff, I made sure to overfly the museum for a nice view:
The next leg of the flight was to Harris Ranch for lunch, underfortunately, I had a a bit of a downdraft on final, wasn't able to flare as well as I needed, did one bounce that wasn't so bad, but somehow that ended up being enough to crack the windshield. With that, I elected to abort further landing attempts at Harris Ranch since it was unclear what exact state the plane was in, and we just flew back to Palo Alto while overflying the Pinnacles. No juicy steak for us though :(
that gave us free AC in the plane, but I could have done without it