2005/05/26 The power of state: 11 flawless landings | |
2005-05-26 11:17
by Merlin
in Flying, Nflying
Current Music: AvB - ASOT 198 - Live from di.fm
Current Mood: Good So when I first woke up at 05:30 for no good reason whatsoever, I knew things weren't starting the right way (especially since I was starting with a slight sleep deficit). I showed up bright and early at Palo Alto airport, and things didn't look so good either: ceiling was 1000 feet, the bare minimum for VFR flight (if the cloud base is below 1000 feet, you can only fly IFR, i.e. with instruments). We checked around and confirmed that we wouldn't be able to fly anywhere else (couldn't pick up enough altitude without being in the clouds) so we stayed in pattern to practise landings, 11 landings in about 1H to be exact. We tried with and without flaps, with too much altitude, doing extrene slips to fall sideways and get rid of the extra altitude, and other fun stuff like that. The good news is that I forced myself to be awake and alert, and with (maybe) the help of an energy drink, did so. The landings were actually all good, and pretty much all nicely centered (no crosswind though). I'll probably be crashing big time later today (as in dead tired), but this morning was cool |