Since I was going to San Diego for Linuxcon 2012, I figured I should use the opportunity to visit San Diego. I took 3 days extra, and then spent one of those days to go diving, leaving me with barely 2 days left.
I had seen all the parks in San Diego already (Sea World, Legoland, Wild Animal Zoo (whatever it's called), and saw the Zoo in Balboa park maybe 10 years ago). Turns out it takes more than 2 days to see the rest of San Diego. 3 days would have been ideal :)
Either way, while the days were packed, I got to see everything I could given the time, especially on that very busy Sunday I flew out and described below.
Got a few shots from the plane:

Sea World

As soon as I arrived, I went to the waterfront to visit the Maritime Museum and got an included cruise:

the midway, which I went to visit later

Back from the cruise, went to visit the few boats and submarines they had on display

Next was the USS Midway, the best aircraft carrier I've ever visited. They show you a lot more than the average boat, you see 4 levels of decks, and the inside of the city on the sea.
You can see all the pictures of the Midway.
I then spent the rest of the day in downtown San Diego and the gaslamp quarter:

I also got to see a critical ride:

Once the conference was over, I went to Balboa Park to see the Science Museum. It wasn't the best one I've seen, but entertaining nonetheless. They did have good IMAX movies running, so I went to see 3 in a row :)

After the conference was over, I went diving off the San Diego Coast (kelp and wreck dives), which considering it was 6 dives in one day took 12 hours :)
The next day, it was my only day left to visit San Diego (2 in total) and I had a flight out that evening, so it was going to be packed.
I started with Cabrillo National Monument:

The naval base is well visible from up there

Next, I went to Jola to see the aquarium and Sea Horse nursery they had:

Next, I went to Old Town San Diego, which while I didn't have enough time to visit appropriately, was still quite nice to visit:

Wells Fargo
Next, I went to Balboa Park to see several things I hadn't seen the first day. I lucked out and saw birds that were there to be adopted. They were fun to be with:

From there, I went to the model railway museum:

Next, was time for the Air and Space Museum, which was a bit tough to see in 1h45, but I was able to see most of it and it was quite good: See my post on Air and Space Musem.
After the Museum, I jumped to the Zoo to catch barely catch a couple of hours before heading for the airport. Turns out, I hadn't quite planned for the fact that the zoo was going to be quite useless after sunset, so I had less time than planned, but made the best of it. Of course, seeing the San Diego Zoo in 1h and change, is a joke, but I took the tram around for the 10 cent tour, and saw a few things on foot before it got too dark :)

I have a few other random pictures. One interesting thing in San Diego is how much in the middle of the city the airport is. Great for commute, but interesting planes landing in the middle:

And there you go, the long somewhat rushed sunday was over, and time came to fly home. Next time, I'll plan for an extra day or two :)