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2024/11/22 Second Dreamstate Socal in Long Beach by Queen Mary
π 2024-11-22 01:01 in Clubbing, Dreamstate, Festivals
Glad to be back, Dreamstate Socal is an event I look forward to, all year.

This is our second year at Queen Mary, you can read last year's report for Queen Mary vs NOS where DS used to be before that

glad to be back ;)
glad to be back ;)

And if you wanted to compare with DS at QM vs DS at NOS, you can go read this Dreamstate Socal 2022.

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  • All festival reports: http://marc.merlins.org/perso/festivals
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  • https://www.instagram.com/stories/highlights/18144053851357918
  • https://www.instagram.com/stories/highlights/18360518575142360/ (link #2 because too many stories)
  • but I put all the IG stories in an single video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gE79gGPUOo4
  • Also here:

    The Grounds: Long Beach by Queen Mary

    Passport (for insomniac event subscribers) was back:

    they had meet and greets
    they had meet and greets

    Passport was actually the 6th stage with a secret lineup for both days
    Passport was actually the 6th stage with a secret lineup for both days

    Dream VIP lost the covered area, but still had nice booths:

    Lots of booths:

    this time offered heli rides from not somewhere not that far. I'm not sure if they saved any time or were worth it. Please leave comments in the links at the top of this page if you used them
    this time offered heli rides from not somewhere not that far. I'm not sure if they saved any time or were worth it. Please leave comments in the links at the top of this page if you used them

    The Void: Still Across the a street, not that easy to get to

    Getting to void was the same as last year (and by that I mean inconvenient and 'too far'), although the tunnel was prettier;

    boring during the day
    boring during the day

    nice at night
    nice at night

    tunnel to get back, people said it felt slippery and tough to climb when you were tired and altered
    tunnel to get back, people said it felt slippery and tough to climb when you were tired and altered

    So, before people accuse of me #firstworldproblems, the tunel and bridge were a real mental "too far" thing that many reported to me, and that I felt myself.

    Some different art this year:

    Views from the boat, were great:

    what it looks inside
    what it looks inside

    And if you were wondering about sound inside the boat, it depends where your room is, but there you go:

    Nice to see the venue late at night/early morning:


    As always, a big part of what makes US insomniac events so much fun is the people who are part of the party.

    it was nice and sunny during the day (until it got very cold just hours later)
    it was nice and sunny during the day (until it got very cold just hours later)

    Props to Jose, barefoot photographer for all his shots
    Props to Jose, barefoot photographer for all his shots

    and also Thorgodofbass, our favorite videographer
    and also Thorgodofbass, our favorite videographer


    TFSF crew
    TFSF crew

    More fun at night, as always:

    And of course, fun totems:

    So, due to my LED outfit and the tech I carry/wear, things break but I'm also a McGuyver, so I carry spares and repair tools. Funny thing was a totem that got damaged, the owner asked me "I heard you have a soldering iron", and I had to reply "I'm sorry, I don't have one, I have two" :)

    we got it fixed
    we got it fixed

    woohoo, it's working again
    woohoo, it's working again

    We took some Trancefamily pictures:

    Big props to the insomniac entertainers, always adding to the party:

    oh no, they didn't have batteries for their lights this year ;)
    oh no, they didn't have batteries for their lights this year ;)

    Thanks for taking pictures with us:

    Also shout out to ground control:

    As always, it's a great opportunity to meet DJs:


    Miyuki and Richard Durand
    Miyuki and Richard Durand


    Craig Connelly
    Craig Connelly

    Allen Watts
    Allen Watts



    first time meeting Darude!
    first time meeting Darude!

    Fadi after his wonderful set in the rain
    Fadi after his wonderful set in the rain

    Mark Sixma
    Mark Sixma

    Orjan Nilsen
    Orjan Nilsen

    Paul Oakenfold
    Paul Oakenfold

    OMG, got to meet Judge Jules from the Essential Mixes I used to listen to in early 2000s from napster
    OMG, got to meet Judge Jules from the Essential Mixes I used to listen to in early 2000s from napster

    Sean Tyas, having such a great time
    Sean Tyas, having such a great time

    Also great to see Alex Morph again
    Also great to see Alex Morph again

    Day 1

    DS opened a bit late on the first day, Queen with Mr Brooks was a bit empty
    DS opened a bit late on the first day, Queen with Mr Brooks was a bit empty

    Xijaro and Pitch
    Xijaro and Pitch

    nice visuals at vision
    nice visuals at vision

    Craig Connelly
    Craig Connelly

    Sequence was pretty packed
    Sequence was pretty packed

    Because Astrix ;)
    Because Astrix ;)

    GO debuted Octagon at DS
    GO debuted Octagon at DS

    Armnin was next (which sadly meant missing Blastoyx b2b Infected Mushroom, my biggest regret of the night)
    Armnin was next (which sadly meant missing Blastoyx b2b Infected Mushroom, my biggest regret of the night)

    thank you for adding the lasers
    thank you for adding the lasers

    Day 1 Summary Video:

    Day 1: Queen Mary Afterparty


    And that was it for Day 1, headed back to hotel around 04:00

    So if anyone wonders, lots of lights means lots of batteries and things to charge every night:

    new bigger 1S lipo batteries for my hat
    new bigger 1S lipo batteries for my hat

    and more
    and more

    Ah yes, and did I mention re-soldering broken LEDs, and hot glue gun? :)

    Day 2

    Back for Day #2, it was hard to be there at 13:00 ;)

    thankfully made it to Khromata
    thankfully made it to Khromata

    it was early for most
    it was early for most

    Also got to see my friend Triode
    Also got to see my friend Triode

    Aly and Fila in the light rain, was majestic:

    So much joy to enjoy Ferry Corsten - Gouryella, again:

    the super tall flags were annoying, they messed up a lot of my pictures
    the super tall flags were annoying, they messed up a lot of my pictures

    finished the night with Above and Beyond
    finished the night with Above and Beyond

    Above and Beyond:

    Day 2: Queen Mary Afterparty

    After 01:00, it was time to migrate to the boat:

    Ruben again!
    Ruben again!

    Finished the night with Ferry Corsten, who even finished his set with some drum and bass ;)


    Day 2 Summary Video:

    Weather concerns with QM vs NOS

    So, I am biased and I still prefer NOS once you're inside the venue (San Bernardino is not great, but once you're inside NOS, it's real wonderland), but the weather aspect is a concern for QM. Both years, QM had rain, NOS did not. NOS is inland in a somewhat arid area, QM is by the water, and even when it wasn't raining, everything was kind of wet due to dew (very high water concentration in the air that would condense on chairs and so forth).

    this is what I meant, by dew, almost fog to the ground
    this is what I meant, by dew, almost fog to the ground

    So, the relentless light rain that fell mostly all day on day #2, made the lasers on dream look dreamy indeed, but at the same time I was soaked by the end of the day, and my gopro literally had water inside and was barely rescued after several days in rice. Water and electricity aren't friends, this can't be easy on all the gear (although I didn't see anything that failed due to water).

    yes, it was pretty :)
    yes, it was pretty :)

    The rain was manageable this year, but I need to state again that last year got pissing rain in the middle of the night while we were on the boat party, and if that rain had been just a few hours earlier, it would have ruined the event. This just makes me nervous, Interstellar was entirely cancelled for freak weather, I honestly would prefer for DS to be back at NOS, if only for the more reliable weather.

    If DS is to stay at QM, I hope Insomniac plans for full covered spaces to deal with heavy rain if it happens. Of course, this is already present at NOS for 3 out of the 4 stages (2 with megastructures and one indoors)

    Aftermath and Conclusion: Should this not be 3 days and with a bit more sleep?

    Haha, I just realized this is the same thing I wrote last year. Since last year was too much music with 4 stages and music from 17:00 to 01:00 and then until 06:00 on the boat, Insomniac heard this, and fixed it by:

  • still two days
  • added a 5th stage, the art car, with very good trance :)
  • well, if you could passport, it was really 6 different stages. Insane!
  • now started at 13:00, making it 12H plus 5h afterparty, 17h per day, so there you go, it's fixed :)
  • like last year, the long days created casualties :)
    like last year, the long days created casualties :)

    So yeah, suck it up people and your FOMO, here's even more music you won't all be able to see and even less sleep, haha :)
    It was literally 34h of music, which is usually what you get from a 3 day festival with 3 to 5 stages, a lot indeed. I would personally still prefer 3 shorter days to have more of a chance to see more artists and not miss as much (especially for all the sets that were not recorded), but it is #firstworldproblems :)

    The afterparty on the boat helped seeing some artists if you had missed them during the day, but even then it was 3 stages that were not that close from one another, and honestly how stayed up until 06:00 both nights while having started at 13:00? I barely made it for the first sets on the 2nd day :)

    For completeness, I did a survey, got 580 responses, and about half the people would like 3 days at QM instead of 2. That's a lot, but not the majority, just half

    While I was at it, I also asked about QM vs NOS, and while many people like me prefer NOS for the better footprint, the megastructures, and so forth, more people prefered QM for being closer to them (traffic in LA), and feeling safer outside.

    Notes / Thoughts for this year:

  • This year had more daylight hours, which was a bit rough on DJs who were opening, and made costumes/outfits a bit more challenging (it was pretty warm during the day, but got very chily at night, including wind chill). Sure, it would be nice to have more hours at night, but with a curfew of 01:00 on the venue (vs 02:00 for NOS), the options are limited outside of making this a 3 day festival, which I'm surely down, for ;)
  • Void unfortunately was still "so close but yet so far" across a bridge that was dicey for some, or an underground tunnel that was a bit of a detour when going from dream to void.
  • I didn't feel it was easier to get to Void, the venue is very challenging layout, only so much can be done with that location
  • I missed the animated burning man LED art from last year, there was still art this year though
  • Dream VIP was shrunk somewhat and lost the covered spaces, which was unfortunate given the rain
  • As stated above, if DS is to stay at QM, I hope insomniac adds covered spaces to deal with rain.
  • Sound at Vision was much improved despite the challenging location. Not sure how they did it, but it was better
  • I still miss the NOS megastructures, but dream got improved a fair bit this year. The added lasers were beautiful
  • Dream was just beautiful
    Dream was just beautiful

    beautiful front and back
    beautiful front and back

    I still wish we could use the passenger terminal dome, looks like a sweet venue:

    Should you go? Would I go Back?

  • Don't let some of my observations/suggestions confuse you from the fact that this was another fantastic Dreamstate and I had so much fun, and so did everyone I talked to
  • I missed so many sets I wanted to see, I don't know how many sets were recorded, but I missed many I wanted to see and I was there almost every of hour
  • Insomniac improved some things at QM this year, not that last year was bad to start with ;) and continued to show that, within reason with layout issues (the street cutting off Void from the rest of the festival), they can do incredible things with a mere parking lot.
  • I'll repeat like each time, that the insomniac team has the most relentless overachievers I've ever seen. I'm thankful we have them.
  • Security continued to nice overall, they did ask for backpacks to be transparent this year, which is spreading and understandable. I guess we probably don't want people to walk around with big black backpacks that could have anything inside if somehow they made it past security
  • I'll continue to give the same answer to "Is it worth flying across the world for?" If you like trance and you want a better production value than many european shows (not counting Tomorrowland, but TMRL sucks for trance), yes, it is worth going to. Only 2 days, but it's really good and the night decors and costumes are much better than what you'll find in Europe.
  • As parting words, I made a summary video of over 100 Instagram Stories I took during the event, enjoy:

    So much fun, 'till next time:

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