ASOT 1000 is a major event obviously, but unfortunately the US version was only 6 hours due to limitations of the suboptimal venue they chose. Unfortunately the Banc of California had many other stupid regulations that made it a very poor choice for a festival, including a super long list of non allowed items all the way to "no clothes with LED", OMG, way to go for a festival. They also required transparent fanny packs or bags, that most people didn't have, and by the time they warned us, it was too late to get them. But the worst thing they did was to prevent people from entering the main pit unless they had pit tickets that were alledgely sold out. Yet, in the end, the pit was half empty. How moronic...

welcome to LA
Finally got in, but looked like a naked peasant thanks go Banc of CA policies:

Got in in time to see Mr Brooks:

Good to run into friends again:

Ruben de Ronde was next:

Then Gabriel & Dresden were next:

Marlo came next with a dynamite set:

The awesome part was that TFSF's Triode got to go on stage for some of his tracks. We were so soooo happy for him:

Now was the time for cosmic gate:

And last, but not least, Armin of course. He did an interesting set that mixed a lot of genres, including almost techno and tech trance. Not everyone liked that, but I thought it was interesting and enjoyed it:

While this wasn't the fantastic Asot 1000 it could have been given the poor venue, rules, limited runtime, and so forth, I do have to say that all the artists put out banger sets. I know some didn't like Armin's but let's be serious, he has over 20 years worth of music and there is no way he can play the whole range and make everyone happy. Personally I liked the variety in his set even if I'm a melodic/euphoric trance person at heart.
And after just 6 hours, the show was over. It was a pretty short show due to curfews. A bit underwhelming for an ASOT 1000 show, a pretty terrible venue in my opinion, but it was still a show, better than all the other shows that got cancelled altogether.... But still, bitsweet to have a festival that didn't look like a festival due to the ridiculous rules in that venue.