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2019/12/28 Another Xmas in Paris
π 2019-12-28 01:01 in France, Ntrips, Paris, Trips
Things aren't good in Paris, probably the worst year so far, that said, that didn't stop us from still going out for a few pictures. The first time out was to see the Palais de la découverte:

After that Grand Palais' expositions on Toulouse Lautrec and Greco. We started with Toulouse Lautrec:

I actually like Greco, he's different enough to be interesting to me
I actually like Greco, he's different enough to be interesting to me

After the expos, we took a few pictures outside, and some more when we came back to see Palais de la découverte the whole day:

grand palais
grand palais

We then went next to the louvre for the little Xmas houses:

we got a seared foie gras sandwich, yum
we got a seared foie gras sandwich, yum

We then finished up with pictures around the louvre and walked out nearby streets to a subway station that was meant to take us home, but didn't because of the strikes:

On my last day in Paris, I went to the Google office for a bit (few people were there because of the stupid strikes), and then went to walk nearby Printemps and Hausmann department stores for their Xmas decorations and terrace views:

I then had a show by the eiffel tower theatre, took a few shots while there:

the incapable government, has now put the tower behind airport security gates. Pathetic...
the incapable government, has now put the tower behind airport security gates. Pathetic...

And then, I had to walk quite a while before I found an open subway station to get home. Sigh...

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