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2019/06/18 A Handful of Days in Paris in June
π 2019-06-18 01:01 in France, Ntrips, Paris, Trips
Since we were going for my Dad's birthday during a nicer season than the usual Xmas, we got to enjoy Paris with nicer weather.

We got to enjoy the SFO Polaris Lounge and its sit down restaurant, which turns out to be fancier looking than it actually was, and had a good 45mn wait to get in. Still, we went to check it out for fun :)

I got the Polaris Burger
I got the Polaris Burger

Here's a quick overview of where we went:

Once in Paris, we went to check out Atelier des Lumières, which used an old warehouse to project nice stories. One was about Japan:

The longest display was Van Gogh:

Not too far was cimetary Père Lachaise, the most famous cimetary in France:

Jim Morison
Jim Morison


La fontaine
La fontaine

Oscar Wilde
Oscar Wilde


Then, we went to the Buttes Chaumont Park, where I went a few times as a small kid:

nice views
nice views

Next, we went up the river to La Vilette:

The next day, I went to the Paris Air Show at le Bourget, which was unexpected (on its own page)

Saturday, was Fête de la Musique, so we went to enjoy another pretty day in Paris:

We had been to Le Panthéon somewhat briefly some years back, but spent a longer time there this time:

Marie Curie discovered radio activity
Marie Curie discovered radio activity

we then took a guided tour to the top
we then took a guided tour to the top

great view from there
great view from there

the damaged Notre Dame
the damaged Notre Dame

We then resumed our visit of Paris:

And we headed towards le Jardin des Plantes, which looks much nicer during the summer:

The nearby zoo was better than I expected:

red pandas are so cute :)
red pandas are so cute :)

the park had some nicely sized uninvited city rats
the park had some nicely sized uninvited city rats

We then went to walk in Paris some more to see people performing music in the streets:

quick ice cream stop at Bertillon
quick ice cream stop at Bertillon

Notre Dame will be repaired for several years:

And after nice sunny time in Paris and my Dad's Birthday Party, it was time to leave Paris for Amsterdam:

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