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2013/06/27 France Day 10: Les Baux de Provence and Arles
π 2013-06-27 01:01 in France, France2013, Ntrips, Trips

That morning, we started by going to Les Baux de Provence Castle:

nice weapons
nice weapons

I like the name :)
I like the name :)

A bit farther down the road, they had a really quarry with art projected on the walls:

One the way, the Glanum Archeologic site was worth stopping by:

From there, we went to a museum in Arles:

what Arles used to look like
what Arles used to look like

they had both arenas and a theatre, good for them
they had both arenas and a theatre, good for them

during the middle ages, the arena was used for protection
during the middle ages, the arena was used for protection

this was recovered from the river
this was recovered from the river

And we used the rest of the day to walk around:

until we reached the theatre:

very nice crypts underground
very nice crypts underground

And we went back to the same exact restaurant for more yummy double decker seared foie gras:

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