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2010/01/04 A few pictures from Paris
π 2010-01-04 01:01 in France, Ntrips, Paris, Trips
Since we were in Paris almost 2 weeks this time, we had planned to go visit at least a couple of days. In the end due to the very cold weather we only went portion of a day since interesting things like climbing to the top of the sacré coeur were closed due to ice and cold (I think even the Effeil tower was closed some days for the same reason, which sucks since the view would have been good for a change with no smog).

We went to see the musée de cluny:

haha, good one :)
haha, good one :)

the famous dame à la licorne
the famous dame à la licorne

We were hoping to get more of an inside tour of Notre Dame, but we only got the 3 euro tour of 'les trésors du sacré coeur' (the outside was closed due to weather)

closed :( too bad it'd have been cool to visit
closed :( too bad it'd have been cool to visit

Last, but not least was the Conciergerie, used for centuries as a prison in Paris

Oh yes, also dinenr with our friends:

And yes, that's it: crappy weather made it so that we didn't visit too much.

See more images for A few pictures from Paris

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