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2013/12/20 Another Quick Tour of Paris Around Xmas
π 2013-12-20 01:01 in France, Ntrips, Paris, Trips
Like each year, I tried to plan some things to see while we were in Paris over Xmas. Since the weather isn't great on average, I only picked the 2.5 days that were nice outside to go out (we also spent 1.5 days at the Bourget Museum of Air and Space indoors when it was raining).

Friday after work, we had a quick look at Boulevard Hausman to see the Xmas tree and animations and climb at the top of Printemps for a good view:

The next nice day, we went to Jardin des Plantes to see the multiple museums there, but first I wanted to stop by les Arènes de Lutéce, which I found out about after watching a documentary on how Paris came to be what it is today over the last 800 years or so.
As the name implies, they are left over Roman Arenas, which weren't destroyed by urbanization. There are also thermes that can be seen by special appointment (by orangerie) which I hope to see another time. To be honest, it doesn't look like much, but it's a cool part of history left in Paris:

We also had a quick look at the Mosque next door which is more visitable than the one in Jakarta we weren't able to enter. They had a few displays to try and fix the very bad PR their religion has been getting due to their extremist followers:

Next, we went to Jardin des Plantes which was of course a bit devoid of plants outside during the winter season. The indoor plants were nice to see though:

these were actually artificial art
these were actually artificial art

Then, we saw displays on plants, animals, and evolution:

they have an impressive compact collection
they have an impressive compact collection

'No, I didn't come from monkeys' always amuses me
'No, I didn't come from monkeys' always amuses me

There was much to see, it was a packed visit. The last nice day of sun in the forecast, I planned a boat ride on the seine leaving by the Effeil Tower:

this put a lock on the bridge fad is getting out of hand...
this put a lock on the bridge fad is getting out of hand...

Paris is running out of bridges to put locks on now...
Paris is running out of bridges to put locks on now...

locks, locks, and more locks...
locks, locks, and more locks...

Musée d'Orsay is one place I yet have to go to
Musée d'Orsay is one place I yet have to go to


Next, we went to see the little houses selling overpriced Xmas stuff:

very very overpriced foie gras
very very overpriced foie gras

after which, we walked towards the small copy of the statue of liberty on a very small island in the middle of the seine:

this one is in French :)
this one is in French :)

From there, we took a cab to Arc the Triomphe and went to the top:

can't beat the view
can't beat the view

winters are cold, but have cleaner and clearer air, that's a win for pictures
winters are cold, but have cleaner and clearer air, that's a win for pictures

We then proceeded towards place de l'Etoile while looking at things on the way

Car manufacturers had new cars on display which I like to see each year:

The last outing we did was a half day to see the Chateau de Vincennes which had been totally renovated after years of me going to the school next door. The visit was quite nice what seems to be one of the oldest castles in that shape you can visit in France today.

And that was it for this year.

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