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I've been using btrfs since 2012, and while as of 2014, it's far from done, it's gone a long way in that time. I thought I'd post some tips and scripts from things I've learned through my own use and sharing with others, hence this page.
More generally, you'll find Btrfs documentation on the btrfs wiki.

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More pages: March 2014 April 2014 May 2014 October 2014 March 2018

2014/04/26 Btrfs Tips: Cancel A Btrfs Scrub That Is Already Stopped
π 2014-04-26 01:01 in Btrfs, Linux

How to cancel a btrfs scrub that won't cancel

In some cases, btrfs scrub can be interrupted in a way that leaves it in a half state. State is stored in /var/lib/btrfs/scrub.status.UUID and if the relevant file indicates that scrub is still running (even though it is not), a new scrub cannot be started, nor the already stopped one cancelled.

This is fixed as shown below:


gargamel:~# btrfs scrub start -d /dev/mapper/dshelf1
ERROR: scrub is already running.
To cancel use 'btrfs scrub cancel /dev/mapper/dshelf1'.
gargamel:~# btrfs scrub status  /dev/mapper/dshelf1
scrub status for 6358304a-2234-4243-b02d-4944c9af47d7
        scrub started at Tue Apr  8 08:36:18 2014, running for 46347 seconds
        total bytes scrubbed: 5.70TiB with 0 errors
gargamel:~# btrfs scrub cancel  /dev/mapper/dshelf1
ERROR: scrub cancel failed on /dev/mapper/dshelf1: not running


gargamel:~# perl -pi -e 's/finished:0/finished:1/' /var/lib/btrfs/*


gargamel:~# btrfs scrub status  /dev/mapper/dshelf1
scrub status for 6358304a-2234-4243-b02d-4944c9af47d7
        scrub started at Tue Apr  8 08:36:18 2014 and finished after 46347 seconds
        total bytes scrubbed: 5.70TiB with 0 errors
gargamel:~# btrfs scrub start -d /dev/mapper/dshelf1
scrub started on /dev/mapper/dshelf1, fsid 6358304a-2234-4243-b02d-4944c9af47d7 (pid=24196)
2014/04/27 Btrfs Multi Device Dmcrypt
π 2014-04-27 01:01 in Btrfs, Linux

How to manage a btrfs filesystem made out of multiple dmcrypt'ed drives

If you are using raid0, raid1, raid10, raid5, or raid6 with btrfs and you want your filesystem to be encrypted, you need to encrypt each device seperately but later you'll want a script to decrypt all those devices.
This can be done with /etc/crypttab, but I don't personally use it for arrays that I turn off to save power. You can use keyscript= in there to feed a script that will provide the decryption key, but I wrote my own script to tun the disks on, locate them by disk ID, decrypt them, and mount the resulting partition.

If you are planning on using Raid5 or Raid6, you'll also want to read this page.

For the mount to work, you of course have to create the crypted device and filesystem first. Here is a recommended way:

cryptsetup luksFormat -s 256 -c aes-xts-plain64  /dev/sda4
cryptsetup luksFormat -s 256 -c aes-xts-plain64  /dev/sdb4
cryptsetup luksFormat -s 256 -c aes-xts-plain64  /dev/sdc4

cryptsetup luksOpen /dev/sda4 sda4_crypt cryptsetup luksOpen /dev/sdab sdb4_crypt cryptsetup luksOpen /dev/sdac sdc4_crypt

mkfs.btrfs -d raid0 -m raid0 -L btrfs_pool /dev/mapper/sd[abc]4_crypt

After reboot, the idea is to avoid the luksOpen steps and adapt to whatever device names those drives could come up under, and this is what the script below does.

Here is the script, start-btrfs-dmcrypt, for which I'll paste a most likely outdated copy here:


# Example script to decrypt a bunch of drives and then mount them as # part of a btrfs volume. # # By Marc MERLIN <> / 2014/04/29 # License: Apache-2.0

# Get these from /dev/disk/by-id DRIVES=" scsi-SATA_Hitachi_HDS7230_MN5220F323S79K-part1 scsi-SATA_Hitachi_HDS7230_MN5220F325UZMK-part1 scsi-SATA_ST2000DL003-9VT_5YD6MH88-part1 scsi-SATA_ST2000DL003-9VT_5YD70NHX-part1 scsi-SATA_WDC_WD20EARS-00_WD-WMAZA0374092-part1 "

# The label name of your btrfs filesystem (mkfs.btrfs -L btrfs_pool) LABEL=btrfs_pool

NUMDRIVES=$(echo $DRIVES | wc -w)

die () { echo "$1" exit 1 }

pwd="$(yourscript that returns crypt key)" if [ -z "$pwd" ]]; then echo -n "Decryption key? " stty -echo 2>/dev/null read pwd stty echo 2>/dev/null fi [ -z "$pwd" ]] && die "Didn't get a decryption key"

# Here you can run a command to turn the disks on if they are on an # external power outlet. # turn-disks-on-cmd cd /dev/disk/by-id for i in 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 do if [ $(ls $DRIVES 2>/dev/null | wc -l) = $NUMDRIVES ]]; then break fi sleep 10 done # This is useful if the disks were just turned on. /etc/init.d/smartmontools restart

for i in $DRIVES do dev=$(ls -l $i | awk '{print $11}' | sed "s#../..#/dev#") [ -z "$dev" ]] && die "Couldn't find device for $i" echo "$pwd" | cryptsetup luksOpen "$dev" "crypt_$(basename $dev)" || die "Couldn't decrypt $dev" echo "decrypt $dev" done btrfs device scan mkdir -p /mnt/btrfs_pool mount -v -t btrfs -o compress=zlib,noatime LABEL=$LABEL /mnt/btrfs_pool || die "Couldn't find btrfs $LABEL"

More pages: March 2014 April 2014 May 2014 October 2014 March 2018

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