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2021/11/12 Dubai Frame
π 2021-11-12 01:01 in Monuments, Uae2021
Dubai Frame was on my list, I had originally planned to go up Burj Khalifa that day, but was not able to get tickets, in time, so hurried back to my car, drove to Dubai Frame, hurried and got there in time for sunset:

pretty but the lights reflected against the windows and messed up many pictures
pretty but the lights reflected against the windows and messed up many pictures

I had enough time to take plenty of daylight pictures:

Burj Khalifa, where I was hoping to be :)
Burj Khalifa, where I was hoping to be :)

And had nice sunset pictures:

Dubai Glow Park where I went the next day
Dubai Glow Park where I went the next day

They had a movie about future tech on the way out:

Very cool, golden ratio in the frame:

A few pictures from the outside:

See more images for Dubai Frame

More pages: November 2021

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