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2012/10/28 Mythbusters Exhibit at the San Jose Tech Museum
π 2012-10-28 01:01 in Sciencemuseums
When I heard that there was a mythbusters exhibit, I thought it would be fun to go see, and indeed they did a good job.

Half the exhibit was to show props from the show, and some were cool to see in person:

the jetpack they built
the jetpack they built

that was a bad ass shark they built for another myth
that was a bad ass shark they built for another myth

this one was to see if you could surf a wave made by throwing dynamite in the water
this one was to see if you could surf a wave made by throwing dynamite in the water

a full boat made out of duct tape and wood from an island
a full boat made out of duct tape and wood from an island

can a plane on a conveyor belt take off?
can a plane on a conveyor belt take off?

The other part of the exhibit was being able to try and replicate some myths

do you get more wet by running or walking?
do you get more wet by running or walking?

how long can you hang on your fingertip strength?
how long can you hang on your fingertip strength?

can you avoid a bullet (or paint ball in this case)o
can you avoid a bullet (or paint ball in this case)o

We spent the rest of the time having a look at the rest of the tech museum, which is always fun to visit:

Time well spent.

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