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2018/09/27 Spain Day 04: Barcelona's Sagrada Familia
π 2018-09-27 01:01 in Monuments, Spain2018
Gaudi is known for many buildings in Barcelona, but of course Sagrada Familia is the most well known. While he worked on it until he died (sadly he was run over by a tram), the construction got halted during the war and Spain's dark times, but it's being worked on again, ideally it will be finished within 10 years.
Getting tickets at the times I wanted (first thing in the morning) was challenging, so I booked a slightly more expensive guided tour which included entrance and wasn't bad at all.

poor thing :)
poor thing :)

The inside was beautiful and colorful in ways that the other cathedrals we've seen, were not:

We did the tower tour, which had decent views, but it was still work in progress (top is still being built):

the stairs were truly bad ass
the stairs were truly bad ass

The museum attached to the cathedral gave lots of details on the history and the build, as well as Gaudi's life:

Gaudi used nature for many of his designs
Gaudi used nature for many of his designs

Guudi also used a gravity upside down model
Guudi also used a gravity upside down model

Definitely one of a kind, worth the visit.

2018/09/26 Spain Day 03-04: Antoni Gaudi in Barcelona
π 2018-09-26 01:01 in Monuments, Spain2018
Antoni Gaudi was a an instrumental architect in Barcelona. In addition to working a good portion of his life on Sagrada Familia, he worked on many other buildings and monuments in Barcelona.
We first went to see Park Guel, which is way too hard to get timed entries for. Thankfully I got one too early in the morning and we were allowed to get in a bit after our mandated 08:00 entry time:

Next was Casa Mila which also had stupid waits, even in end of September, but as good capitalists, they sell skip the line (expensive) online tickets:

one of the building's arches has a view on the unfinished Sagrada Familia
one of the building's arches has a view on the unfinished Sagrada Familia

Gaudi used an interesting engineering principle of suspending structures upside down and using gravity to help see ideal building shapes
Gaudi used an interesting engineering principle of suspending structures upside down and using gravity to help see ideal building shapes

Down the street was his Casa Batllo, another expensive visit with more expensive skip the line tickets I was able to get:

Another of his buildings was Guel Palace, which we saw just before leaving Barcelona:

another nice roof
another nice roof

And for good measure, the city also had a Gaudi museum:

More pages: February 2024 January 2024 December 2021 November 2021 September 2018

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