Marc's Public Blog - Diving

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This is a collection of my blog entries and experiences with diving.
You can find all the pictures I've taken here, and read below for recountings of my more recent trips:

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2006/11/25 Monterey Day 2: 3 Cold Dives
π 2006-11-25 21:22 by Merlin in Diving

While in Monterey, it made sense to at least try to dive there. I kind of prefer my water at 29 to 30 degrees C, and didn't quite look forward to 14-16 degree water, but eh, it was worth giving it a shot :)
The first dive was a bit short, and with pretty bad visibility, but it was a reasonable intro dive for that morning

The next two dives were going to be boat dives on the Silver Prince. The first was a depth one, down to 25 metres or so and it was pretty freaking cold, despite the multiple layers of wet suit, booties, gloves, and hood :)
The second dive was off shore in kelp, and that was more manageable. I had the pleasure to be visited by a seal that came nibbling on my fin for a few seconds before taking off

The other pictures from the dives in Monterey

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