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2021/08/30 Manchester Day Trip
π 2021-08-30 01:01 in England2021, Ntrips, Uk
As part of my 2021 quick festival tour of england, after visiting Creamfields, I wen tfrom Warrington towards Manchester, because why not?

I'll be honest that Manchester is not a must go destination. I was nearby and had an extra day, so I went to check it out. It had a couple of non essential but decent enough museums, and an ok cathedral :) -

Given that trains were complicated and the Manchester Imperial War Museum North was inconvenient to get to via public transport, so I just took a direct uber there, Manchester is not too far. Because it was a day trip without a car, I had my luggage in tow, which made all museums uneasy, they are so scared about bombs and they don't care about profiling, everyone is a suspect. After looking at my luggage, they agreed to stash it during my visit, The museum was ok:

those small tethered blimbs were put over potential targets to entangle planes that might want to attack
those small tethered blimbs were put over potential targets to entangle planes that might want to attack

It was a decent enoough museum, after I was done, I took another uber to the Manchester Museum of Science and Industry (click me). It was only ok given that its biggest hangar with planes was being renovated:

After that, like an idiot who can't plan, I totally spaced on the fact that there was a google office that I forgot to visit, oops, so instead I went to the cathedral before it closed, and caught the next hourly train to Liverpool:

After things were closing up in Manchester, took a direct train to Liverpool, just about 1h away

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