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2024/02/27 Pyramids of Teotihuacan, Just North of Mexico City
π 2024-02-27 01:01 in Mexico, Monuments
There isn't much left of the pyramid that was in Mexico City (Mayor Templo), but Teotihuacan is very well preserved with its multiple temples, and even some murals are still left, worth the side trip for sure.

Of course, there are some tourist attractions nearby that the tour got to visit first. We first got to learn how Tequilla is made out of cactus, as well as all the things that cactus can be used for:

there is an anti sweat layer inside that can be used as paper
there is an anti sweat layer inside that can be used as paper

the fibers can also be used as strings
the fibers can also be used as strings

mezcal is mostly tequilla with worms in it ;)
mezcal is mostly tequilla with worms in it ;)

I did mention that masked wrestling is a big thing in Mexico?
I did mention that masked wrestling is a big thing in Mexico?

Then it was time to visit the temples:

the murals were impressive
the murals were impressive

Very cool place, very happy to have seen it

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