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2018/09/26 Spain Day 03-04: Antoni Gaudi in Barcelona
π 2018-09-26 01:01 in Monuments, Spain2018
Antoni Gaudi was a an instrumental architect in Barcelona. In addition to working a good portion of his life on Sagrada Familia, he worked on many other buildings and monuments in Barcelona.
We first went to see Park Guel, which is way too hard to get timed entries for. Thankfully I got one too early in the morning and we were allowed to get in a bit after our mandated 08:00 entry time:

Next was Casa Mila which also had stupid waits, even in end of September, but as good capitalists, they sell skip the line (expensive) online tickets:

one of the building's arches has a view on the unfinished Sagrada Familia
one of the building's arches has a view on the unfinished Sagrada Familia

Gaudi used an interesting engineering principle of suspending structures upside down and using gravity to help see ideal building shapes
Gaudi used an interesting engineering principle of suspending structures upside down and using gravity to help see ideal building shapes

Down the street was his Casa Batllo, another expensive visit with more expensive skip the line tickets I was able to get:

Another of his buildings was Guel Palace, which we saw just before leaving Barcelona:

another nice roof
another nice roof

And for good measure, the city also had a Gaudi museum:

More pages: September 2018 October 2018

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