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2016/10/01 Germany Day 16: Weikersheim and Wuerzburg
π 2016-10-01 01:01 in Germany2016, Ntrips, Trips

We left Rothenburg early-ish in the morning and drove to Weikersheim, a nearby town where we went to visit Palace (Schloss Weikersheim and went through its gardens before it opened at 09:00. We then got lucky to have a private tour from their guide when they opened at 09:00. It's a nice palace that was built by another person with too much money who was jaleous of Versailles and wanted to at least match it :)
Pictures were kind of restricted inside, so I sadly only have a few shots:

We then drove to Würzburg's train station and finally dropped off our car:

2416km driven, not as much as our French trip, but not too bad :)
2416km driven, not as much as our French trip, but not too bad :)

From the train station, we went to Residenz Palace in Würzburg, it's a beautiful palace, were very annoyingly so pictures were restricted too. By then I was really starting to get annoyed at this. When Germans go to Versailles, we let them take all the pictures they want, it's really not right that they are preventing pictures without flash in some of their nicest palaces and castles...
Another thing to know was the that palace was heavily damaged (like most of the city) by WWII bombing, so they spent a lot of time and money rebuilding it, and the rebuilding job looks really good. Anyway, these are the pictures I have:

And 3rd party pictures I had to waste time looking for, thanks again to the restrictions Residenz Palace in Würzburg had:

In the same location, we went to the Court Chapel, which was beautiful:

Next, we went through the gardens:

We then started our Würzburg walk:

We then went for a walk up to Marienberg Fortress for a guided tour that was going to leave at 15:30, and we made it up just in time:

after a pretty steep walk up, we got there
after a pretty steep walk up, we got there

good view from up there, keep in mind the city was mostly levelled by bombs and rebuilt
good view from up there, keep in mind the city was mostly levelled by bombs and rebuilt

We then went to visit the main museum that's part of the Fortress:

By 17:00 the museum closed, so we walked back to the town towards the train station and took a train to Nürnberg:

More pages: September 2016 October 2016

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