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2016/09/22 Germany Day 07: Staufen to Fuessen
π 2016-09-22 01:01 in Germany2016, Ntrips, Trips

After another nice German breakfast, we headed out for Staufen, a nice little town sadly 1h out of the way south, but worth the visit nonetheless:

I kept looking for ratatas in the rathaus we saw in multiple towns, but often didn't find any :105)
I kept looking for ratatas in the rathaus we saw in multiple towns, but often didn't find any :105)

After that, we had a long (4H) drive to Füssen in Bavaria, and we did out best to arrive by 15:00, so we had some time to visit the local museum (Museum der Stadt Füssen) and castle (Hohes Schloss Füssen) before they closed at 17:00. The only hitch was that the town was closed to car traffic during the day, and we were unable to access our hotel the way we arrived. I ended up wasting 20 precious minutes trying and failing to get to our destination and eventually driving around town in bad traffic to re-enter it from another direction.
At the museum, the castle, and the church we saw subsequently, we found out that Bavaria has incredible art on its walls, mostly in some of its churches. The best I've seen anywhere:

They had multiple musical instruments:

Bavaria is known for lions:

Next, we went to Hohes Schloss Füssen:

Good view from the castle:

We then went to see the not that special from the outside, church (Benediktinerkloster St. Mang), and it was beautiful inside. Turns out that was going to be a pattern for every nice church we got to see in Bavaria:

After the Church, we did the city walk before going for dinner:

oh yeah, we hit another 'minor' church on the way, again beautiful
oh yeah, we hit another 'minor' church on the way, again beautiful

More pages: September 2016 October 2016

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