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2013/07/07 France Day 20: American Cemetery, Omaha Beach débarquement Museum, Bayeux D Day Museum, Cathedral, walk in the city during a medieval festival
π 2013-07-07 01:01 in France, France2013, Ntrips, Trips

We headed back to the American Cemetary which had worthwhile displays on the débarquement, as well as a 1h-ish guided tour of the cemetery that was worth the time.

From there, we went to the smaller but still good Omaha beach museum (Omaha didn't work out nearly as well as Utah beach, the losses were much higher due to weather related mishaps).


By then you'd think we had learned enough about D day, but our next destination was Bayeux where we also started with a D Day museum :) From there, we went to town center to see the impressive cathedral, and enjoy the medieval festival that happened to be going on that weekend.

it's quite big
it's quite big

nice collage made by my friend Johannes
nice collage made by my friend Johannes

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