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2013/06/22 France Day 05: From Villefranche sur Mer to Cassis via Antibes
π 2013-06-22 01:01 in France, France2013, Ntrips, Trips

After our 2nd night in Villefranche-Sur-Mer, we visited the local town and its market before heading towards Antibes and Cassis.

We checked out the market

We then drove to Fort du Mont Alban before heading out:

While driving across nice, we realized that that orthodox church was opened and we could make it there with 5mn to spare if I turned out quickly, so we did. I then had to run back to my car to get long pants since I was not allowed in, in shorts :)

And we then headed down the coast towards Antibes:

Once in Antibes, we spent a quick hour to walk around the fortifications and old town:

nice place to get a little sandwich for the road
nice place to get a little sandwich for the road

Back on the road, and towards Cassis.
You're supposed to go on a boat trip to see the calanques, and we were rushing to be able to go on a longer trip that did 5 or 7, but the water was rough, so we only got a short trip for 3 calanques, and the idiots left 10mn early without us, so we had to wait 30mn for the next one (not so bad, except we ran out of sunlight for pictures when we came back). Yes, I still hate that boat company today :)

the hotel we were staying at, with a great view
the hotel we were staying at, with a great view

After the boat ride, we went on a scenic road where you hoped no one was going to come the other way :)

After that, we got a nice dinner with view and sunset:

More pages: June 2013 July 2013

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