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2018/10/14 Centre Pompidou
π 2018-10-14 01:01 in Museums, Paris
It has been so many years since I was able to enter Centre Pompidou due to a completely ridiculous line to even enter the building, never mind the exhibits which can have hour+ lines themselves too.
I thought pre-purchased tickets would help, but really not so much. Thankfully the line getting in wasn't terrible, but some temporary expos still had very long lins. So, we went to see the other ones first, and thankfully they were open late, so we were able to see the other ones later.

Modern art is well, variable. There were some interesting bits, others were so-so:

I definitely wouldn't put this first in a visit of Paris, starting with how hard it is to get into it, but I'm happy we got to see it eventually.

See more images for Centre Pompidou
2018/10/14 Musee des Arts et Metiers
π 2018-10-14 01:01 in Paris, Sciencemuseums
I can't believe that in all these years, I never went to Musée des Arts et Métiers. It's a wonderful science museum that focuses on machines over the years, and doesn't have the hords of screaming kids, which is a huge plus :)

Most people don't know that the first heavier than air aircraft was french and dated from the late 1800's. It was however a poor aircraft that was not well controlable, so history didn't remember it as the first aircraft:

More interestingly, the museum is attached to a church was was repurposed as display space:

We ended up spending much longer than planned there, and it was worth even more. Greatly recommended.

See more images for Musee des Arts et Metiers
2018/10/14 A Short Day in Paris
π 2018-10-14 01:01 in France, Ntrips, Paris, Trips
Coming back from Spain, we spent the afternoon in Paris before flying home the next morning.
In hindsight, I made the mistake of lining up a couple of museums when in fact we should have just spent the entire day out to enjoy the summer in Paris, which we otherwise never get to do.

We started with Musée des Arts et Métiers (on its own page):

And then we went to Centre Pompidou (on its own page):

Not often that we're in Paris during the summer, so we went around 1st Arrondissement:

We then went to Centre Pompidou, which included fairly good views:

Notre Dame before it burnt
Notre Dame before it burnt

Tour St Jacques
Tour St Jacques

la défense
la défense

Then it was time to go home. Nice lighting in CDG airport

See more images for A Short Day in Paris

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