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2022/12/30 11H visit of the Louvre
π 2022-12-30 01:01 in Museums, Paris
It had been 15 years since I last went to the Louvre, apparently not even a full day. This time I planned to do the full 13H you can do on a friday, unfortunately arrived almost 1.5H late and by then the lines were already terrible: 5H line outside for the main tourist entrance, and 2H for the "fast" underground entrance for those with tickets. And advance tickets were sold out days in advance anyways. Getting in was a bit challenging, but I managed as always :)

ridiculous line already
ridiculous line already

all this to go through the security gate which I guess wasn't there before
all this to go through the security gate which I guess wasn't there before

Eventually got in and had aroud 9H to see most everything, still a lot but manageable if you're efficient. This time I started with the underground ruins of the castle that used to be in the place of the museum:



really cool that they only found this semi-recently when digging for extra galleries
really cool that they only found this semi-recently when digging for extra galleries

Lots more to see:

Then was time for the main museum, lots of rooms:

the audioguide wsa quite cool, based on a nintendo 3DS with geolocation
the audioguide wsa quite cool, based on a nintendo 3DS with geolocation

quite cool
quite cool

I never take selfies :)
I never take selfies :)

found my fellow leo :)
found my fellow leo :)

unexpected statue :)
unexpected statue :)

Paintings came next:

the room with Mona Lisa was packed with people trying to take selfies
the room with Mona Lisa was packed with people trying to take selfies

for this
for this

all these people
all these people

More rooms still:

inside joke :)
inside joke :)

The King/Castle section of the Louvre is better than Versailles in my opinion:

And more to see still, by then the day was getting a bit late, got to see almost everything before they started closing around 21:30:

and we eventually got kicked out
and we eventually got kicked out

Nice to finish with a night shot:

See more images for 11H visit of the Louvre

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