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Below is a recounting of various car events I've attended along the years, from car club meets, autocrosses, track events, and enthusiast drives.

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2010/07/28 Karting at GoKart Racer with Coworkers
π 2010-07-28 01:01 in Cars, Ncars
My coworker Marcin setup a Karting outing, and I was unable to refuse the nice offer :)

Some of the people who showed up were almost professional karters, a couple in our groups were over a second faster than us and lapped us all in the race.
I did reasonably well and while I was being my usual inconsistent, I placed 3rd in the qualifying session. During the race, the 4th behind me was doing a better job than me after a few laps and eventually passed me, which was cool, but unfortunately the guy behind me pushed and spun me in a turn, pointing me in the wrong direction and making me lose an entire lap.
On the upside, I worked really hard to catch up from the back, and posted some good lap times (0:32:22 was the best I think).

The place is unfortunately far (1h30 return drive from home), but it's was good fun to dash it out with coworkers who were actually pretty good too :)

This is just the hot laps session to get used to the track:

Then the qualifying session:

And the Race:

2010/07/06 Drive Across Skyline to Hwy 1, Davenport and Back through Big Basin Redwoods
π 2010-07-06 01:01 in Cars, Ncars
I was needing some time outside after having spent too long indoors, and David wanted to give Mounira a ride in my car for her BD, so when other coworkers expressed the idea of going out for a drive this afternoon, it was an easy decision :)

We went for a nice little drive. I went easy not to upset my passenger and stay within safe limits for public roads, and outside of a pickup driver who got upset after I passed him to get rid of someone behaving heretically just in front of me, it was a nice drive (it was kind of hard to explain anything to him both because he wasn't in a listening mood, and I was unable to speak anyway).

Around Big Basin Redwoods, I slowed down due to reduced speed limits and people left and right of the road and likely to cross at any time, but I apparently made a bit too much noise with the car (well, it makes noise pretty easily, which is ok most times, but not great in the middle of a hiking forest) and got reported for "looking fast". Honestly, I was actually driving quite slowly there for obvious safety reasons, but I had my eyes peeled on the road more than at my speedo. Maybe I was a few miles over 25, who knows?

A friendly park ranger flagged me down after the report and told me to be mindful of other people, which was sound advise and pretty much what I was doing. I was not able to talk to him to explain, but he was satisfied with seeing that I got the message either way.

Mounira enjoyed the scenic drive and didn't get car sick, so all went well :)

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