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2023/05/19 Another Big EDC
π 2023-05-19 01:01 in Clubbing, Edc, Festivals
It's hard to get numbers, I'm not sure if it was as many people as last year, or even more, but the shuttles sold out in pre-sale and the event looked quite packed.

Glad to be back, as always:

30 years!
30 years!

The Grounds:

Great to have a look around to see all the art installations:

Random things:

if you party way too hard, you can actually get an IV :)
if you party way too hard, you can actually get an IV :)

Loved pixel forest again:

loved the pixel forest tunnel again, so good
loved the pixel forest tunnel again, so good

Lots of run rides:

The rave hangar was also fun althought it filled fast, and there were other dancing rooms:

VIP even had a sky dome that was pretty sweet:

For downtown EDC, the most fun place was by far the Kandi Casino:

plus several other small dance floors and attractions:

and you could get EDC married or real married:

And the artist village was also beautiful:

Skydeck was also super nice:

not cheap, though :)
not cheap, though :)

As always, a good way to see EDC, is from higher up, and the ferris wheels are the best way to do it:

Great to see the LED Acrobats again, great show as always:


No drones this year, oh well. The fireworks were still super pretty:

Fireworks of all last 3 days:

The People

As always EDC has been great because of the people who attend and the many friends I made over the years:

TFSF + TFLA meetup
TFSF + TFLA meetup

The Insomniac entertainers were fantastic as always:

Still happy to see other people bringing LEDs :)

who are you guys? didn't get your info
who are you guys? didn't get your info

And it was so much fun to be able to meet favorite DJs as always:

fantastic to see my friend Chris perform at EDC
fantastic to see my friend Chris perform at EDC

But anyway, let's get on with the festival:

Day #1

Took an uber on the first day to get there early since the shuttles get stuck in commuter traffic on fridays, and went to enjoy the grounds. The first day was the only time opening at 17:00 this year (why?) and given the shuttle mess this year (midstrip shuttles cancelled due to road closures and other roadwork), taking an uber was easier. As part of that, got a tour of the camping grounds for those staying there.

and finally arrived to see the welcome sights:

everyone was coralled in Cosmic Maedows until 19:00
everyone was coralled in Cosmic Maedows until 19:00

rest was empty
rest was empty

I spent most of the day at Quantum Valley for trance:

above and beyond unfortunately conflicted with Blastoyz :(
above and beyond unfortunately conflicted with Blastoyz :(

back to QV for Blastoyz
back to QV for Blastoyz

Video Summary:

Day #2

Day #2 was more trance at Quantum Valley, finishing with our friend Triode:

dope visuals
dope visuals

Video Summary:

Day #3

Day #3 was the wildcard day, no trance at QV anymore, so that was an excuse to go around and check out the grounds and other stages:

Armin played a good set
Armin played a good set

While it was a bit disappointing not ot have trance at QV on day #3, the blow was softened by the Dreamstate pre-party at Area15 before EDC.

After Armin, there was some time left to enjoy the grounds, and catch a shuttle that wasn't too late, so as to arrive at the airport in time for the return flight. jag Video Summary:

Should you go? Would I go Back?

EDC Vegas is probably the most impressive EDM Night Festival in the world. Tomorrowland is a rival but it's not a night festival as much.

  • Decors are just fantastic, along with so many performers. That's the best part about EDC
  • Like other insomniac festivals, all the staff truly cares and goes all out. Many small details that get sometimes missed elsewhere, are usually flawless
  • Security is more than reasonable as usual, thank you
  • 19:00 to 05:30 is 10:30h of partying for 3 days, lots of fun!
  • So many free carnival rides, lots of fun.
  • So many stages also, more than 10 if you could the art cars.
  • Is it worth flying across the world for? Yes, absolutely. Do it!
  • Conclusion

    Another year. This one was quite busy, maybe the most people at EDC ever? Some complained of over crowding, and it's unfortunate that the shuttles sold out so quickly.

    Thoughts about this year:

  • People complained it was a bit cheaper than usual, a few things missing (minor in my opinion), no drone show, people complained about the lineup being weaker (the trance lineup sure was and was only 2 days)
  • Some new installations like the Kandi Casino were absolutely awesome
  • All the insomniac staff and entertainers were top notch as always
  • Kinetic field was beautiful again, the face with eyes and hands moving was really well done
  • The original pixel forest tunnel from 2019 was back, it was my favorite
  • The added multiple signs with directions, which was good for people who get lost
  • People complained about bigger crowds and less Plur, that might be true, but at the same time it's hard to avoid and happens with everything. Burning Man has the same problem.
  • The visuals on all stages were top notch again. Nothing beats EDC there.
  • Thank you to everyone at the insomniac team who put so much effort into making so many details right all over the place, with the great result that we all got to enjoy..

  • Pictures of all 3 days:
  • Pictures of the grounds, people, fireworks and all:
  • See more images for Another Big EDC

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