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2017/06/16 3 more days at EDC 2017, Las Vegas
π 2017-06-16 01:01 in Clubbing, Edc, Festivals
Another year, another EDC. Weather in Vegas was stupid hot (peaks of 115F/46C). I got another chance to try my new Neopixel shirt/pants combo, although getting all the electronics through security in airports, isn't ideal...

Before the first day started, some locations had small markets where you could buy all the rave gear you could need, for those who didn't come prepared :)

and you could spend hours making your bracelets. I shouldn't make fun because I spent even more hours on my LED shirt :)
and you could spend hours making your bracelets. I shouldn't make fun because I spent even more hours on my LED shirt :)

More rave gear on site if you needed it:

Getting to the festival grounds has become an increasing problem, moving almost 150,000 people to and from the racetrack in a 3H window, or so, has become a real challenge, despite huge amount of busses (the busses themselves had 3H-ish lines in some places).

those folks made full use of carpooling :)
those folks made full use of carpooling :)

Most people, including me, took shuttles, which took a reasonable enough 1H to get there and back, but they had stupid lines that could take up to 3H. The picture below is the best possible case scenario I saw one day I got lucky. Some people got close to passing out in the heat, and apparently one person died in line on the way back due to a medical issue that was not addressed timely enough :(
While Insomniac had plenty of busses, the loading was not streamlined enough and included a lot of unnecessary waits, making some lines ridiculously long. One day, I took another line to another hotel just so that I could get back to Vegas and then took a short cab back to my hotel:

Anyway, once arrived at the racetrack, things were good. Pictures of the grounds:

it looks less impresive during the day
it looks less impresive during the day

sunrise coming
sunrise coming

You could even get weddings:

Many carnival rides, but the lines were long at most of them0

And the ball pit was a fun place to relax :)

Pictures of people and signs:

bad ass tatoo
bad ass tatoo

Other people were lit up, like me:

I remember this guy from last year, awesome costume and makeup
I remember this guy from last year, awesome costume and makeup

expensive triple row LED shoes
expensive triple row LED shoes

Fun signs:

damn straight!
damn straight!


This year definitely had a nice collection of art cars from burning man:


nicely gave me a tour
nicely gave me a tour

Of course, EDC was about lots of great DJs, and lots of great DJs it was:


Awesome fireworks:

Day #2:

Ruben de Ronde played an awesome set
Ruben de Ronde played an awesome set

Tiesto was back, not playing Trance :)
Tiesto was back, not playing Trance :)

Another solid set from Above and Beyond
Another solid set from Above and Beyond

Awesome fireworks again:

Day #3 was sadly shorter for me, great lineup, but not enough sleep and I was too tired to enjoy the end:


After PvD, I lamed out, went back to the airport and flew back home to get some much needed sleep. I still had a great time despite this.

What insomniac needs to fix for next year:

  • no VIP lines at many shuttle stops, so basically VIP didn't get you in and out any quicker in many places :(
  • streamline the bus loading/unloading to improve throughput
  • Lines like the Village loading in front of Luxor, were 2-3H in the sun. That's totally not ok.
  • What they did great:

  • the Trance lineup was solid, even if the stage, Quantum Valley, was a lesser one
  • the searches were not over the top (I didn't have to empty every single last pocket of everything)
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