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2018/05/18 Another EDC in Las Vegas
π 2018-05-18 01:01 in Clubbing, Edc, Festivals
I can't believe it was already my 4th EDC. Time flies... Thankfully Insomniac moved it one month earlier this year, so it wasn't as damn hot as last year where some people actually died of dehydration, some apparently waiting in lines that were way too long in the hot sun :( I remember one night where it was 95F/35C all night and some stupid high temperature during the day.

This year, I got to beta test my new and improved Neopixel shirt, which is now a dual NeoMatrix shirt. Sadly, one of the 2 panels shorted by day #2 (build issue which I was only able to fix after getting home), so I was running in degraded mode with only the front panel for the last 2 days. Still, people loved the shirt :)

like pokemon, you gotta collect them all :)
like pokemon, you gotta collect them all :)

met some fellow Trance Family SF on day #3
met some fellow Trance Family SF on day #3

If you'd like see the different animations from the shirt, you can find them here:

I was able to try a very cool VR drumming game. It was very well done:

Now, I was not the only person to be shiny, which is one of the reasons I love EDC and Burning Man:

While I didn't find anyone who was able to put that many neopixels in their shirt (to be fair mine require non trivial amounts of power for something wearable). A few people had cool displays on poles with a big lead acid battery:

this one the only neopixel based one I found
this one the only neopixel based one I found

an interesting hat
an interesting hat

cool head gear
cool head gear

multiple pole based ones
multiple pole based ones

the 2nd fanciest ones I found were these, but based on a thick panel that requires constant refresh (also too thick to wear)
the 2nd fanciest ones I found were these, but based on a thick panel that requires constant refresh (also too thick to wear)

the pitch is much better though, allowing for better writing than I can do on mine
the pitch is much better though, allowing for better writing than I can do on mine

sadly the refresh rate is too poor for pictures
sadly the refresh rate is too poor for pictures

pretty nonetheless
pretty nonetheless

the fanciest pole was this one, with remotely addressable neomatrix text scrolling display
the fanciest pole was this one, with remotely addressable neomatrix text scrolling display

Good job Afik
Good job Afik


Other signs and people:

not the first time I saw this one, but still hilarious
not the first time I saw this one, but still hilarious

Now, you don't have to be an engineer to be shiny (although it does help :) ). Plenty of stuff you can buy (just not my shirt, sorry ;) ):

just go to the aptly named 'shiny things' store
just go to the aptly named 'shiny things' store

and if you're into drum and bass, they have you covered too ;)
and if you're into drum and bass, they have you covered too ;)

Anyway, let's look at EDC as a whole this year. Maybe I got lucky with my shuttle stop didn't have a wait that wasn't as terrible as last year. The ride was still closer to 90mn, later in the evening, which sucked somewhat (still about 2h30 from hotel to festival)

hilarious. Yes, we were ready... for the great event :)
hilarious. Yes, we were ready... for the great event :)

The VIP area had a swimming pool (no good with my electronics), a ball pool, and video games:

oh yeah, even a maze
oh yeah, even a maze

Some decors were straight out of burning man:

first saw this at burning man years ago, super fun, especially if you're on something
first saw this at burning man years ago, super fun, especially if you're on something

you could use diffraction glasses if you were sober
you could use diffraction glasses if you were sober

Let's not forget art cars, all of which I've seen at burning man:

They had even more fair attractions this year:

Let's not forget about bad ass fireworks every day:

Fireworks Day1:

Fireworks Day2:
Fireworks Day3:

Now, the music sets I saw on Day #1:

Drum and Bass was fun to listen to for a while,

they had awesome visuals
they had awesome visuals

I'm a big pendulum fan
I'm a big pendulum fan

stargate visuals, well done
stargate visuals, well done

Of course, Trance, trance, and more trance :)

fancy control console
fancy control console

ok, using the 'help' output of the DOS box on windows, was a bit lazy :)
ok, using the 'help' output of the DOS box on windows, was a bit lazy :)

Day #1 Summary:

Now, we can move to Day #2:

Circuit Grounds had Hardwell and Armin Van Buuren that night:

Day #2 Summary:

Finally Day #3:

Drum and Bass DJs definitely like to stand on their DJ table :)
Drum and Bass DJs definitely like to stand on their DJ table :)

Cosmic Gate
Cosmic Gate


Let's finish with a sunrise:

Day #3 Summary:

I won't go into how hard it is to timeshift 12H overnight (I got up at 06:00 the previous day to go to a racetrack and went to bed at 07:00 the next night. That was tough.
Insomniac did a great job with the lineups, definitely more trance now compared to the first year I went. I was not a huge fan of the way quantum valley looked, it sure was hard to get good pictures through all those metal stands. I'm also under the impression that at least on the first day, they cranked the bass way up, maybe in a misguided attempt to compete with drum and bass across, to the point that you couldn't really hear much of the music anymore. Thankfully it was a lot better by day #3.

The shuttles worked a bit better this year, although the premium shuttles were kind of a joke. You were supposed to tell them months early what time you were going to go and come home, and have that be the same every day, not that you had lineups with times anyway. I ended up taking the standard shuttle most days, which sadly got moved farther away from my hotel I had already booked. I don't understand why they simply don't have VIP lines for the standard shuttles and be done with it. Having 2 different shuttle systems with different locations and less flexibility on the premium ones, makes no sense at all.

Thanks to Insomniac for the event and lineups. Also, thumbs up to anyone who came with costumes and tasteful totem poles (sadly, there are some really crappy ones too, which sometimes end up being right in the front stage, ruining all the pictures I was trying to take).

See more images for Another EDC in Las Vegas
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