2016-12-16 01:01
in Nsnow, Snow
After a crappy half day at kirkwood as all the forecast powder turned to hard ice, I gave it another shot with 2 coworkers, Ted and Marcus. The forecast looked pretty good, it was supposed to dump big time during the night with a snowline falling down to 3000ft, making a day trip with early rise, not sounds so good.
So we left the previous day, stayed at a condo in KW with other coworkers, and got up the next morning to see that the snowfall at base level was actually very disappointing. The top got more, but it was heavy wet powder, not fluffy stuff, but still it was fresh snow, more than a foot of it, so we took it :)
only a bit overnight
nice plate :)
things looked good
you can tell from here, it's pretty heavily packed
chamoix still involved sliding down a rock on your butt
the drain was not bad, but still a bit low on snow
the ridge from cornice was open, you could ride it down
except I ended up on top of this, and had to jump it down, maybe 7ft. That was a bit scary since the snow underneath was not much of a cushion
Anyway, it wans't the best day ever, but a good day overall. However, it's only going to go downhill from there until the next big dump. |