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2023/04/29 Cupertino Cherry Blossom Festival
π 2023-04-29 01:01 in Outings
Glad to be able to go back, it's always fun:

I was meaning to try Jyorei, not sure if I believe in it, but was curious:

similar to what was in SF, unsurprisingly
similar to what was in SF, unsurprisingly

I always enjoy the garden decors they have each year:

Fun animal interactions:

Multiple shows/performances:

I always, ikebana:

plus other displays:

Plus activities:

Fun times as always.

See more images for Cupertino Cherry Blossom Festival
2023/04/16 Ostrigeland in Solvang
π 2023-04-16 01:01 in Outings
After visiting Solvang, Ostrigeland was next door.
I'm not a huge fan of Ostriges, because those birds are assholes and will put a hole through your hand while you're trying to feed them. Turns out the place also had Australian Emus which I like a lot more, they are gentle, and make a very cool deep sound that I've never heard anywhere else. So, it was fun to go visit:

I definitely watch those birds carefully
I definitely watch those birds carefully

and fed them carefully too
and fed them carefully too

the Emus are so much nicer and gentle :)
the Emus are so much nicer and gentle :)

Compare Emus that I could hand feed, vs Ostrige that I kept my distance from:

Definitely a fun stop if you are in the area, especially for those who haven't been to Australia and see Emus before, it's pretty rare to be able to see them in the US.

See more images for Ostrigeland in Solvang
2023/04/15 3rd Visit of Hearst Castle
π 2023-04-15 01:01 in Outings
Looks like I'm set to visit Hearst Castle every 10 years, so it was time for my 3rd visit :) It was a quick 45mn from Paso Robles.

Signing up for tours is tricky, the website was entirely broken and the phone lines didn't work either. It's also unclear how much time you need between tours, because the main issue is that they force you to take the bus up and down for each and every tour, which wastes 40mn and gets very annoying when you do 3 or 4 tours. By the I remembered having done 3 tours last time, and how I regretted it with all the bussing, as well as the 3rd tour being less essential (kitchen and cottages). Honestly CA parks sucks for not offering combined tours that are back to back, but they probably don't do it because of lack of bathrooms and food at the top
I booked the first 3 tours, then remembered, and cancelled the 3rd tour to have moe time left over for the rest of the day in Paso Robles. 3103*

Thankfully I got some nice shots from the air the previous day, which give a good idea of the land:

private runway that people outside the Hearst family, cannot use
private runway that people outside the Hearst family, cannot use

castle in the sky
castle in the sky

view of the unfinished wing that CA Parks is not allowed to finish
view of the unfinished wing that CA Parks is not allowed to finish

seen from the castle, the runway was tempting :)
seen from the castle, the runway was tempting :)

Long story short, Hearst was a rich man with somewhat questionable taste who bought lots of things and tried ot make it all fit in his ever growing ranch house (only later renamed to Castle). It's interesting to see, but a bit weird at the same time too.

Took the 2nd bus up (9:20) for the grand tour and then went to the upstairs tour right afterwards at 10:10. Pictures below as a composite of both tours. If anyone has to pick, the upstairs tour is better than the main tour in my opinion:

actual sphinx from egypt
actual sphinx from egypt

Time to get in:

OMG, ketchup and terrible mustard
OMG, ketchup and terrible mustard

Upstairs has nice rooms of all types:

Nice views outside:

The last bit is of course the indoor swimming pool that is beautiful:

After being done with the Casle, just up the road a bit, there is Elephant Seal Vista Point, missed it last times but not this time:

Nice little half day trip from Paso Robles that gave enough time left to see other things in Paso Robles

See more images for 3rd Visit of Hearst Castle
2023/04/14 Sensorio/Field of Lights at Paso Robles
π 2023-04-14 01:01 in Bm, Outings
I had seen a similar such installation in Uluru, Australia, and it was fun to see the Paso Robles version while in the area:

found a little friend :)
found a little friend :)

I wouldn't say it's worth driving to all the way from the bay area, but if you are in the area, definitely worth a visit, even if it's expensive (close to $50).

2023/04/14 Oceano Sand Dunes
π 2023-04-14 01:01 in Ntrips, Outings
It had been about 10 years since I had been to Oceano, so it was a good time to go back and try an ATV. I got lucky with timing because they had just re-opened a few days earlier as there was a river crossing the beach that had way too much water courtesy of the very rainy season.

The flight down the coast was scenic as always

ATVs waiting for customers :)
ATVs waiting for customers :)

Oceano is a small runway, but not an issue for a 182:

After signing up paperwork and getting a ride to were the ATVs are parked, it was time to have fun again

I took the briefing seriously and made sure not to flip by going sideways up or down. I did ok overall:

the dunes can be challenging, definitely easy to get hurt if you're doing it wrong
the dunes can be challenging, definitely easy to get hurt if you're doing it wrong

and sure enough, someone did
and sure enough, someone did

didn't look good, many vehicles went there and were still there 30mn later :(
didn't look good, many vehicles went there and were still there 30mn later :(

so long Oceano
so long Oceano

See more images for Oceano Sand Dunes
2023/04/08 Cherry Blossom Festival in San Francisco
π 2023-04-08 01:01 in Outings
I had never been to the Cherry Blossom festival in San Francisco, so I decided to fix this, this year. It was a few streets around Japantown in SF. It was fun enough and a good way to spend the afternoon. Definitely different from the one in Cupertino, but fun to see, especially as an excuse to revisit the Japanese mall there that I hadn't seen in years.

trees were perfectly in bloom
trees were perfectly in bloom

I still know how to make a crane :)
I still know how to make a crane :)

Very good display of flower arrangements:

had a bit of time left to see the rest:

Good time, happy to have seen it.

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