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2019/10/16 A Little Sightseeing in Amsterdam During ADE
π 2019-10-16 01:01 in Holland, Ntrips, Trips

I was in Amsterdam for 5 days for Amsterdam Dance Event, which had parties every night, late into the early mornings. This is what I saw:

  • http://marc.merlins.org/perso/clubbing/post_2019-10-16_ADE-2019-Day-_1_-Orjan-Nilsen-12-DJs-at-Club-Mystique.html
  • http://marc.merlins.org/perso/clubbing/post_2019-10-17_ADE-2019-Day-_2_-John-OO-Flemming_-Alex-M_O_R_P_H_-Paul-Van-Dyk-at-Shine_-Panama_-Amsterdam.html
  • http://marc.merlins.org/perso/clubbing/post_2019-10-17_ADE-2019-Day-_2_-ASOT-936_-8H-ADE-Special-in-the-Armada-Studio.html
  • http://marc.merlins.org/perso/clubbing/post_2019-10-18_ADE-2019-Day-_3_-Solarstone-_-DJ-Orkidea_-Pure-Trance-Boat-Party.html
  • http://marc.merlins.org/perso/clubbing/post_2019-10-19_ADE-2019-Day-_4_-Luminosity_s-This-Is-Trance-at-Panama_-Amsterdam.html
  • http://marc.merlins.org/perso/clubbing/post_2019-10-20_ADE-2019-Day-_5_-Trance-Orient-Express.html
  • they had stores selling everything you needed for partying :)
    they had stores selling everything you needed for partying :)

    As a result, I didn't have much time for sightseeing, but I still did a bit during the afternoon.
    Close to my crap but well located hotel, was the body worlds exhibition, which was worth the visit:

    Saw a church that was closed the last times I went:

    The next 2 days, I went to Den Hagg for a few hours, including:

  • Escher Museum
  • Louwman Car Museum
  • There is a lot more to see there, so I'll have to go back.

    While it was not super convenient, I was able to get my museum kaart sent to my hotel before I arrived, it gave me free entrance to a few museums:

    The last day, I had time in Amsterdam, and went to the Royal Palace that was closed during my last visit:

    then, I went back to the new church, which had a different exposition than a few months ago:

    A few other random pictures:

    And that was it for Amsterdam, not a huge lot given that most of the time was spent partying at night and sleeping to recover :)

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