Marc's Public Blog - Hiking / Backpacking

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This is a collection of my blog entries about hiking
You can find all the pictures I've taken here, and read below for the more recent trips that I have recorded in blog entries

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2013/06/06 Rock Scrambling Around Icebox Canyon near Las Vegas
π 2013-06-06 01:01 in Hiking
While in Las Vegas for a work offsite, I went with a few coworkers early-ish (07:00) to beat the heat. By the time we got there, it was already warm in the sun, but nothing like what it would get in the afternoon (110F+), and we got off way before that.

The hike up wasn't too bad. A bit of rock hopping here and there, but nothing too bad. The very last bit however, required more skilled climbing that was a bit more tricky on my running shoes that didn't have good traction on those rocks. I eventually made it to the top after following the footsteps of a few coworkers and got to see the top where there was some water left from the waterfall that sure wasn't flowing anymore since whatever snow it came from had melted a long time ago.

I took a few pictures with google glass, and a few with my camera (those usually look a bit better)

Mike showed us it was 'easy' to get to the top
Mike showed us it was 'easy' to get to the top

Jumping up there was 'interesting'
Jumping up there was 'interesting'

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