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2020/01/14 Open Hardware Miniconf 2020: Dingo Car with Tensorflow Video Analysis v2
π 2020-01-14 01:01 in Arduino, Electronics, Linux
Another LCA, another Open Hardware Miniconf. This year was an improved version of the Dingo Car from last year.

Jon, presenting the miniconf as per how many
Jon, presenting the miniconf as per how many

Raspberry Pi running the car
Raspberry Pi running the car

This year's dingo car, controlled by the rPi
This year's dingo car, controlled by the rPi

All done
All done

Andy presenting the software side of the car
Andy presenting the software side of the car

We then trained our cars' neural network by manually driving them arount the track:

and before long, I got my car to drive around on its own
and before long, I got my car to drive around on its own

Here is a video of my car driving on its own, including how it learned to drive:

During the miniconf, I also gave a talk on my recent LED panel/ESP32 work and brought my recent RGBPanels:

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