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2020/01/14 LCA 2020 Talk, ESP32 Memory Management, Neopixels and RGBPanels
π 2020-01-14 01:01 in Arduino
As part of LCA 2020, I gave a quick talk at the Open Hardware Miniconf about a year's worth of work in ESP32 and upgrading my Shirt from 24x32 neopixels (P10) to 64x96 in RGBPanels (P4), giving me almost 10x more pixels.
Running lots of demo code at 96x64 in 24bpp, storing 2 framebuffers for page switching, plus bitplanes for PWM, it ended up significantly stressing the amount of fragmented memory available on ESP32, so this talk deals with what I learned and how to get around the limitations.

Then, I also brought a demo of my next version using Raspberry Pi and displaying a framebuffer of 128x192, using FastLED_RPIRGBPanel_GFX I wrote for the occasion :)

Demo of 64x96 with ESP32 and 128x192 on Rasberry Pi
Demo of 64x96 with ESP32 and 128x192 on Rasberry Pi

Talk video below:

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