Marc's Public Blog - Clubbing and Trance

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Ok, so I like electronic dance music, more specifically Trance. When I started in the 1990's, the US was a bit behind in that department.
Still, with San Francisco and San Jose nearby, I've had some opportunities to see some great EDM/Trance DJs. Back in the early 2000's, they sadly played club music in the US that was nowhere close to the hits they had composed and were known for, but over the years, as Trance started becoming more popular, those DJs finally started playing their good tunes in the US too, and maybe from 2004 on, it's only been getting better.
Popsicle Halloween 2004 was really the beginning of great music parties in the San Francisco Area, and thankfully things have gotten even better since then

As a matter of fact, after another 10 years (2015 and beyond) the good news is that Trance has grown quite a following in the US, and places like the SF Bay Area, and while Trance has been declared dead a few times in the last 10 years, it's still going strong here.
Trance Family SF is definitely strong in the area, we've been getting more big trance parties every year, including many top DJs that come visit us what feels like every other week now (as of 2018-2019), and through those events, I made many friends in Trance Family SF. Thanks to you all.

Over those years, I got the chance to meet a few of my favourite DJs, including Armin more than once, and my last hobby has been to work on lights for my shirt and pants (version 3) and (version 4)

You can find all the pictures here

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If you enjoy random EDM events and festival pictures, you can subscribe to And if you are curious about my outfit, you can read more about it on my led peacock engineer medium post

2022/04/18 The Thrillseekers 3 Hour Vinyl Set at Midway SF
π 2022-04-18 01:01 in Clubbing, Tfsf
This was a special treat, Steve came to Midway to do a 3H vinyl set for us, lots of oldies and perfect vinyl mixing, like the old days. Very skillfully done, a true treat.

Dezza opened the night:

After a while, we had power outages due to a utility pole having short circuits (some saw blue lightening). Thankfully PG&E fixed it pretty quickly considering:

Thankfully things were fixed in time by 23:00 for Steve to start his set:

found another Tshirt copycat :)
found another Tshirt copycat :)

Dave Dresden and his partner came to join us for the epic night
Dave Dresden and his partner came to join us for the epic night

Steve brough his own turntable needles for perfect rendition
Steve brough his own turntable needles for perfect rendition

It was a great night, super happy we got to go. Video summary:

2022/04/09 State of Trance 1000 Pre-Party at La Chuperia
π 2022-04-09 01:01 in Clubbing
Before ASOT 1000, we had a pre-party at a restaurant/bar across the street, and had some nice trance DJs play for us, including Triode. Good way to spend a few hours before the show, thanks for the DJs:

2022/04/09 State of Trance 1000 in LA's Banc of California Stadium
π 2022-04-09 01:01 in Clubbing, Festivals
ASOT 1000 is a major event obviously, but unfortunately the US version was only 6 hours due to limitations of the suboptimal venue they chose. Unfortunately the Banc of California had many other stupid regulations that made it a very poor choice for a festival, including a super long list of non allowed items all the way to "no clothes with LED", OMG, way to go for a festival. They also required transparent fanny packs or bags, that most people didn't have, and by the time they warned us, it was too late to get them. But the worst thing they did was to prevent people from entering the main pit unless they had pit tickets that were alledgely sold out. Yet, in the end, the pit was half empty. How moronic...

welcome to LA
welcome to LA

Finally got in, but looked like a naked peasant thanks go Banc of CA policies:

Got in in time to see Mr Brooks:

Good to run into friends again:

Ruben de Ronde was next:

Then Gabriel & Dresden were next:

Marlo came next with a dynamite set:

The awesome part was that TFSF's Triode got to go on stage for some of his tracks. We were so soooo happy for him:

Now was the time for cosmic gate:

And last, but not least, Armin of course. He did an interesting set that mixed a lot of genres, including almost techno and tech trance. Not everyone liked that, but I thought it was interesting and enjoyed it:

While this wasn't the fantastic Asot 1000 it could have been given the poor venue, rules, limited runtime, and so forth, I do have to say that all the artists put out banger sets. I know some didn't like Armin's but let's be serious, he has over 20 years worth of music and there is no way he can play the whole range and make everyone happy. Personally I liked the variety in his set even if I'm a melodic/euphoric trance person at heart.

And after just 6 hours, the show was over. It was a pretty short show due to curfews. A bit underwhelming for an ASOT 1000 show, a pretty terrible venue in my opinion, but it was still a show, better than all the other shows that got cancelled altogether.... But still, bitsweet to have a festival that didn't look like a festival due to the ridiculous rules in that venue.

2022/04/09 State of Trance 1000 Post-Party at Exchange, in LA
π 2022-04-09 01:01 in Clubbing
After ASOT 1000, there was a post-party at Exchange. I was excited to go

The exchange party started at 22:00 when Armin was playing until 23:00 on the main show and it took over an hour getting there due to terrible traffic and parking, plus a long line getting in the venue. On the plus side, Exchange was fine letting me in with my LED outfit and fanny pack (thank you), but strangely they do not allow small personal cameras unless they also happen to make phone calls (and yes my handheld cameras are smaller than the average phone). That's such a puzzling and pointless policy, virtually all venues allow small non professional handheld cameras, which is what I have. I got mine in eventually, but it was added delay stress I didn't need.

By the time we arrived, Marlo was already playing, so I got to see part of his set in a super packed room:

By 01:00, Armin took over and went to play until 03:00, although we only started a bit over 01:00 because the room was so jam packed that it was difficult to enjoy the show.

Thanks to Jolie for this picture:

I think I had higher expectations for exchange, but I was literally 11 hours of partying in by the time I arrived, so I was already tired, and once you added the mess that it was to get there, get in, and then how badly packed it was, it just wasn't that much fun anymore, so I left early so that I had a chance to get an uber home that wouldn't cost a fortune (my original plan was to drive but after seeing the mess, I thankfully got a ride there, thanks Jolie).

Here is the video summary, pretty short given how hard it was to be there and film:

2022/04/08 DJ Miyuki at View Lounge, LA
π 2022-04-08 01:01 in Clubbing
I first saw DJ Miyuki in the early days of pandemic twitch, and loved her energy and music, plus blinky lights, life is always better with blinky lights, haha :)
And more generally her story is inspiring, she left a conventional career to pursue her passion with music, as a DJ producer who is also great at the flute. Please watch this short video summary I made of her, it speaks a thousand words:

I was excited to find out she was playing one day before ASOT 1000 in LA, so I made sure to go and it was a great night, the energy was awesome.
We had two DJs open, Nagi and Mr Frost:

Nice to meet some friends:

Miyuki was nice enough to come early, spend some time with us, and take pictures:

thanks to findtherabbit for running the visuals, great job as always
thanks to findtherabbit for running the visuals, great job as always

Then was time for her 3H show:

She even treated us to some flute
She even treated us to some flute

Miyuki put on a great show for us, and finished with some high energy dubstep that was a lot of fun:

Thanks to all for the great show, it really was a blast.

See more images for DJ Miyuki at View Lounge, LA
2022/04/07 Menno de Jong Fairwell Tour at Halcyon
π 2022-04-07 01:01 in Clubbing
As Menno de Jong is retiring after a 20 year career of DJ-Producer, he did a farewell tour, which was postponed from last year during covid. He did a nice 4H OTC set for us at Halcyon, and it was definitely a journey through time, including some old tracks I had never heard in a club before.

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