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2017/01/24 Tasmania Day 10: Strahan
π 2017-01-24 01:01 in Australia, Ntrips, Tasmania2017, Trips
After finishing our long hike and mountain accent at Cradle Mountain, I drove to Strahan, a quick easy drive without traffic.

Our merc was a pleasure to drive and got us through the twisty roads to Strahan
Our merc was a pleasure to drive and got us through the twisty roads to Strahan

After a quick dinner, we walked to Hogarth Falls but didn't get to see any Platypus
After a quick dinner, we walked to Hogarth Falls but didn't get to see any Platypus

Nice view from our room, the big boat was the one we took for our tour
Nice view from our room, the big boat was the one we took for our tour

the british built a railroad line that went to the sea to load ships more easily
the british built a railroad line that went to the sea to load ships more easily

we then made it to gordon river and its rainforest
we then made it to gordon river and its rainforest

we got out for a quick walk
we got out for a quick walk

Next we went to mariah island, where many convicts were kept under bad conditions. A ranger gave us a great story of what happened:

Back on land, we had a look at a pine sawmill:

Next, we went to sand dunes to ride an 4WD ATV, that was a lot of fun:

we eventually got to the ocean dunes
we eventually got to the ocean dunes

our ATV guide
our ATV guide

I made it up the sand dune the first time (where others bailed and rolled back)
I made it up the sand dune the first time (where others bailed and rolled back)

Then, we got back to town to see The Ship That Never Was play. That was the biggest disappointment of the day, as well as waste of time. It was really silly and made for kids (only):

Next (yes, long days), we went to another river where we were hoping to see a wild platipus, but we weren't lucky enough:

And this was finally the end of our day. We had a sunset boat trip planned to see some mutton birds and penguins, but sadly it was cancelled, so that was it for our long day :)

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