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2018/10/10 Spain Day 17 part 3: Avila
π 2018-10-10 01:01 in Ntrips, Spain2018, Trips

Our last excursion from Madrid for the day was Avila. We took a train from El Escorial and arrived mid afternoon. A bit late, but just enough time to visit:

we asked our cab from the train station to take us to a viewpoint
we asked our cab from the train station to take us to a viewpoint

Avila has the best city walls in Spain
Avila has the best city walls in Spain

By the city entrance, we have San Vicente de Ávila:

We then got a tour in a Tuck-tuck:

Next, we went to visit the main Cathedral:

We then went to walk the beautiful city walls:

We then had a very rushed visit of Convent of Santa Teresa de Jesus and then caught a bus back to the train station for a train home:

See more images for Spain Day 17 part 3: Avila

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