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2018/10/07 Spain Day 14: Toledo
π 2018-10-07 01:01 in Ntrips, Spain2018, Trips

Todelo was the next city we went to by train as a day trip from Madrid:

We then went to Museo del Greco:

Toledo has other jewish museums and buildings:

Monasterio de San Juan de los Reyes:

More walking through town:

Museo de los Concilios y la Cultura Visigoda

Santuario Sagrados Corazones:

nice views from the top
nice views from the top

Alcázar de Toledo/military museum
Alcázar de Toledo/military museum

More random things:

We then went to visit the Alcázar de Toledo:

The Alcázar has a nice church inside:

After a long day in Toledo, time to go home:

See more images for Spain Day 14: Toledo

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