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2016/05/15 South Korea's Jeju Island's Nexon Computer Museum
π 2016-05-15 01:01 in Ntrips, Sciencemuseums, Southkorea2016, Trips
So when we flew to Jeju Island, supposed to be South Korea's Hawaii for honeymooners, and nature enthusiasts who hike around the island, or to the Island's 2000m-ish peak, I had not exactly plannned to stumbled on a computer history museum, let along a good one...

I was impressed with artifacts they had,

nice lockers
nice lockers

original apple 1
original apple 1

the original CGA graphics card was huge
the original CGA graphics card was huge

they actually designed and built an original Apple 1 replica
they actually designed and built an original Apple 1 replica

and had it signed by Woz
and had it signed by Woz

impressive what we could 'draw' with just a few colored pixels back in the day
impressive what we could 'draw' with just a few colored pixels back in the day

nice collection of gaming portable computers
nice collection of gaming portable computers

very nice mouse prototype
very nice mouse prototype

I remember those mice, cleaning the rollers and the ball
I remember those mice, cleaning the rollers and the ball

I almost forgot when we switched to optical mice, they are actually pretty impressive
I almost forgot when we switched to optical mice, they are actually pretty impressive

more computers on the wall
more computers on the wall

my old Amstrad CPC 464 was there
my old Amstrad CPC 464 was there


and more
and more

I totally forgot about that Amstrad Pen Pad
I totally forgot about that Amstrad Pen Pad

more portables
more portables

they even had google glass
they even had google glass

very nice arduino collection
very nice arduino collection

All in all, a very nice and fairly complete computer museum in a very unexpected place. Glad I got the chance to visit it.

More pages: May 2016

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