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2018/05/30 Puerto Princesa
π 2018-05-30 01:01 in Ntrips, Philippines, Trips

The highlight is the underground river tour, which is known as one of the 7 new natural wonders of the world. It's a 2H+ van ride to Sabang, where we then wait in line to take a boat to another nearer location where you finally take the paddle boat to the cave.

We then stayed around Sabang, and saw some water monitors:

tree snake
tree snake

They had a long zipline over the water, which sounded cool, but the idiots set it up wrong, and sent us all backwards, making the arrival dicey. Sadly Jennifer arrived backwards and hit her neck on the tires supposed to slow her down :(

we all ended up backwards
we all ended up backwards

that's where Jennifer got hurt, being sent backwards
that's where Jennifer got hurt, being sent backwards

After taking Jennifer to the ER to get her checked out and get her pain and anti inflamatory drugs. Thankfully the drugs did wonders and she mostly recovered by the next morning. That evening we did make phone calls to our doctor to get his suggestions and making sure we took the best steps for her. Due to the time difference, we had to wait until 23:00 though, so while she rested in the room, I went to the firefly watching tour that Arturo had already booked. Taking pictures outside of the sunset was almost impossible though, small dots of light from a moving boat is kind of mission impossible:

wonderful pictures of fireflies...
wonderful pictures of fireflies...

The next morning, Jennifer was doing a lot better, so we went on a city tour. Puerto Princesa is full of tricycles that can actually take up to 5 people (although not in comfort). Some are quite nicely decorated:

they had packed vans acting as busses
they had packed vans acting as busses

and those tricycles were everywhere
and those tricycles were everywhere

We went to a local cathedral:

We then went to a couple of WWII sites, where general McArthur came back and liberated the country from the Japanese. Sadly the Japanese killed untold people on their way out, including faking an air raid, having the POW go in a trench, and then setting the trench on fire, shooting people who jumped out :(

this photo is a bit funny because it had to be staged twice (i.e. it's entirely fake)
this photo is a bit funny because it had to be staged twice (i.e. it's entirely fake)

And that was it for Puerto Princesa, we then went back to our hotel to board our liveaboard.

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