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2015/01/17 Scenic Passenger Flight to the northmost tip of New Zealand
π 2015-01-17 01:01 in Flying, Nflying, Nz2015
As part of our trip to New Zealand's Northland, we flew in an interesting plane I hadn't seen before, an Australian version of a Kodiak. It had very good payload for 300hp, and it only burned about 15gph while carrying 8 people (albeit at 120kts):

The flight was very nice:

We landed on what looked like a sketchy grass runway that went unhill and curved, but our pilot did fine with it :)

Takeoff was also "interesting":

Our flight back was just as scenic:

Russel, where we spent the evening the day before
Russel, where we spent the evening the day before

It was a super nice flight, best way to see North New Zealand. Thanks to Salt Air!.

More pages: January 2015 February 2015

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