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2016/02/01 2016, Geelong
π 2016-02-01 01:01 in Linux
Another year, another LCA, this time by Geelong, Australia (located 1h from Melbourne and 1h from Ballarat, 2 previous LCA locations).

Like every year, it was great to see everyone again.

A few pictures from the conf:

where we stayed, Deakin, University
where we stayed, Deakin, University

The robot miniconf had cool little robots:

During the radio miniconf, we did some beacon finding with yagis:

LCA still had a custom designed board that encodes HDMI video into open video formats on linux via USB:

Among the talks, tridge gave a demo of his new code for quadplanes (quadcopters that turn into planes) for the next challenge they're preparing for:

Catching up with people in the hallway track and evening parties was good as usual:

Stephen, keeping a great WiFi network working like every year
Stephen, keeping a great WiFi network working like every year

nothing beats seeing tridge in person to work with him on my ardupilot crash plane into the ground bug :)
nothing beats seeing tridge in person to work with him on my ardupilot crash plane into the ground bug :)

After a week, it was all over again. We all had a great time, thanks all:

I hung out with the Melbourne Open Hardware Hackers after conf close, before getting ready for our great ocean road trip the next day:

See more images for 2016, Geelong

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