Another year, another LCA :)
This time, it was in Brisbane that had just gotten badly flooded the week prior to the conference, so the organizers had to pull a major one from their hat to make the conf still happen, and they did.
Paulway and Angus Lees
For the first time, I went to the arduino miniconf on monday, since I had been meaning to learn more about arduino, and that was a good excuse to do so. So, I built a mobsendat arduino board with accelerometer, GPS, temp sensor, pressure sensor, and more:
Arduino build miniconf
The kit
My kit, all built
Most people built the kit for rockets they built
Here are a few slides from keynotes and talks I went to:
IPv6 keynote. Newsflash: we're screwed...
Tux sent to space on a weather balloon
Eric Allman talk
Jon had a very fun talk about using the Kinect to control a self levelling quad-copter
Paul's talk on the wakelock discussions on lkml
The enjoyable, if not controversial keynote on personal data and cloud services
My talk on misterhouse and home automation
And of course, LCA is also fun for various socializing and daily dinners, starting with the speaker Dinner:
Professional Delegates Dinner:
Penguin Dinner:
All in all, a fun year was had again, a big thanks go to the organizers for pulling it out.